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weird timer

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weird timer

Post by Snapple »

Well, I put timer on 10 for 10 minutes
yesterday for the whole day it worked fine
now it started to be every minute
timer 10 [list starta $chan]
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Re: weird timer

Post by strikelight »

Snapple wrote:Well, I put timer on 10 for 10 minutes
yesterday for the whole day it worked fine
now it started to be every minute
timer 10 [list starta $chan]
Sounds like someone has been .rehash'ing quite a bit then...
when rehashing and dealing with timers, it's always prudent to have code similar to the following:

Code: Select all

if {![info exists mytimercall]} {
  timer 10 [list starta $chan]
  set mytimercall 1
(Note: You could alternatively use the command lsearch with command timers, but imo that's more work than is needed)

This check is needed, because remember when you rehash, the bot loads all the scripts ontop of what has already been loaded, as opposed to restart which unloads (so to speak) the scripts first, and loads them up fresh.