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Why this not working ???

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Posts: 64
Joined: Mon Aug 12, 2002 2:22 am
Location: Australia

Why this not working ???

Post by spyda »

I am working on a update to my status.tcl and for some reason in the live update i am not getting the right information :(

Code: Select all

proc stats:opcount {chan} {
    set userops 0
    putlog "$chan"
    foreach person [chanlist $chan] {
	if {[isop $person $chan] && ![isvoice $person $chan]} {
	    incr userops 
	    set person "\@$person"
	    putlog "$person - $userops"
 return $userops
In the Bots PARTYLINE I am getting..
[10:48] <asustek> [10:48] #hammie
[10:48] <asustek> [10:48] @asustek - 1
[10:48] <asustek> [10:48] @TheDeadMan - 2
[10:48] <asustek> [10:48] @kissmine - 3
[10:48] <asustek> [10:48] @secure - 4
[10:48] <asustek> [10:48] @subzero|a - 5
But clearly in MIRC and other clients secure and subsero|a are not oped :|

I have tryed everything i can think of. If anyone can tell me why this is not working correctly it would be great.
