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little problem

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little problem

Post by NoFear »

this is slennox superbitch script but i have linked two bots and if one of them ops other user that bot get kicked. Anyone know how to fix this?

Code: Select all

if {$numversion < 1040200} {
  if {[info commands isop] != ""} {
    proc wasop {nick chan} {
      return [isop $nick $chan]

proc sb_bitch {nick uhost hand chan mode opped} {
  global botnick sb_chans sb_canop sb_canopany sb_canopflags sb_checkop sb_note sb_remove
  if {$mode == "+o"} {
    if {$nick != $botnick} {
      if {((($opped != $botnick) && ($nick != $opped) && ([onchan $nick $chan]) && (![wasop $opped $chan])) && (($sb_chans == "") || ([lsearch -exact $sb_chans [string tolower $chan]] != -1)))} {
        if {![matchattr [nick2hand $opped $chan] $sb_canopflags $chan]} {
          if {(($sb_canopany == "") || (![matchattr $hand $sb_canopany $chan]))} {
             putquick "KICK $chan $opped :Permission Denied" 
             putquick "KICK $chan $nick :Permission Denied"
            if {(($sb_remove) && ([validuser $hand]) && ([matchattr $hand o|o $chan]))} {
              chattr $hand -o+d|-o+d $chan
              if {[info commands sendnote] != ""} {
                foreach recipient $sb_note {
                  if {[validuser $recipient]} {
                    sendnote SUPERBITCH $recipient "Permission Denied"
        } else {
          if {((($sb_canopany == "") || (![matchattr $hand $sb_canopany $chan])) && (($sb_canop == "") || (![matchattr $hand $sb_canop $chan])))} {
             putquick "KICK $chan $opped :Permission Denied" 
             putquick "KICK $chan $nick :Permission Denied"
            if {(($sb_remove) && ([validuser $hand]) && ([matchattr $hand o|o $chan]))} {
              chattr $hand -o+d|-o+d $chan
              if {[info commands sendnote] != ""} {
                foreach recipient $sb_note {
                  if {[validuser $recipient]} {
                    sendnote SUPERBITCH $recipient "Permission Denied"
    } else {
      if {(($sb_checkop) && (![matchattr [nick2hand $opped $chan] o|o $chan]))} {
        putquick "KICK $chan $opped :Permission Denied"
        putlog "Permission Denied"
  return 0

set sb_chans [split [string tolower $sb_chans]] ; set sb_note [split $sb_note]

bind mode - * sb_bitch
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Post by user »

1) There's a edit button that lets you edit your own posts (so you could have removed the code from that other thread)
2) There's a own forum for slennox' scripts and I doubt pasting the code would be required to have the problem solved.
3) I bet you could figure this out on your own if you'd read the docs (seems like there's a setting to allow oping of anyone by users with a certain flag if you don't want the users added to both bots.)
Have you ever read "The Manual"?
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Post by NoFear »

thx for help!!!!!!!!!!!!
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