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looking for a stripped down seen script - dont know tcl

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looking for a stripped down seen script - dont know tcl

Post by firepunk »

I dont know TCL in the slightest, but i am looking for a seen script that will print out the last time someone said anything, what was said, and when it was said, even if they are still in the channel. Currently, the scripts I have tried say stuff like "why dont you ask him, he's here" and the like.

I need one that will just print when they last said anything, and what was said.

any help will be appreciated
Posts: 64
Joined: Sat Jun 07, 2003 8:25 pm


Post by Carnage69 »

cheak the tcl archive before u post there is many there.

Post by firepunk »

I've tried all the scripts in the archive, and they all say something like "<username> is in the channel" instead of what they actually said, and when.
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De Kus
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Post by De Kus »

then tell the script you would like. The if clause is for sure easily removeable.