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eggdrop error ??

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eggdrop error ??

Post by duofruo »

<AdvSide> [07:50] *** FAILED MALLOC chanprog.c (552) (4): Cannot allocate memory
<AdvSide> [07:50] * Memory allocation failed

What is this ?
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De Kus
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Post by De Kus »

Are you using gseen.mod and stats.mod? Did you adjust #define MEMTBLSIZE to a higher size like default in mem.c? If you have enough memory you may set it easily up to 200.000. I had no problems with that on a shell.
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Post by ppslim »

You should be careful adjusting this on a system that is not your own.

My advice would be to contact the shell provider and ask what amount of physical memory there is, the total available memory (including swap) and the percentage limit that any user process is allowed.

You should then base it on the reply, as you could easily see your account removed.
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Post by De Kus »

AFAIK my bot used around 8-12MB of memory with these mods and this memory setting.
Im forced to windrop atm, so I cant check...

I found the option after a few weeks, because by eggdrop did not even start up with the database collected running as windrop :D.

Post by Valuial »

I got a similar Problem: My Bot crashes with an Segmentation error, something with stats.mod it says in the logs...

I run stats.mod 1.4.0 dev20 AND gseen.mod on an 1.6.15 eggdrop
When the error occured the first time, it was always during purge stats - even wehn I purged right after starting the bot.
Now the Problem occures somewhat more sporadic.


PS: Sorry for my bad english, but I'm no native English speaker...