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Slow Bots re-join after being banned

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Slow Bots re-join after being banned

Post by webmuppet »

When my bot gets banned I want it to only try and rejoin about every 15 mins or so rather than every minute.

Is there a config setting?
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Post by ppslim »

No, however, somthing could be scripted to to set the channel +inactive on a ban, then remove it 15 mins later.

Post by webmuppet »

It seems to retry every 1 minute.
Would this count as spamming / flooding?

Reason is that I occasionally sleep and want other ops to be able to monitor the bot and ban it if it malfunctions, but without giving them telnet access. (DCC doesn't work on this network because hostnames/ips are masked)

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De Kus
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Post by De Kus »

webmuppet wrote:DCC doesn't work on this network because hostnames/ips are masked
DCC Chat is in its nature free from using the hostmark since the procedure to establish is that the requester sends it's IP and a port number to the other person, if this accepts the other person connects to you. I reguarly use DCC chat on a server using masked hostmarks (namly If DCC chat connection failed your router has no support for it or/and doesn't have mapped the port. In mIRC options -> DCC -> options you may define a portrange for DCC. If the client is behind a firewall you may /CTCP botnick CHAT to request the bot a chat to you, but this requires a non-firewalled or corrected configured port mapping on the bots machine/shell. Eggdrops port range is defined in eggdrop.conf in 'set reserved-portrange 1stport:lastport'

If you want to enable the operators to ban the bot I would suggest you enable a query checking against flag o and userpassword setting the channel inactive as mansioned before.