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that's wrong ... partypass

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that's wrong ... partypass

Post by adycrt »

bind chon - * chonpartypass

proc chonpartypass { handle idx } {
putdcc $idx "Enter partyline password:"
control $idx checkpartypass

proc checkpartypass { idx text } {
global partypassword
# empty text: user disconnected
if { [string compare $text ""] == 0 } { return 0 }
# correct password: allow to party
if { [string compare $text $partypassword] == 0 } { return 1 }
# incorrect password: disconnect user
putidx $idx "Wrong password! No party for you! Bye."
killdcc $idx
return 0

putlog "Partypass version 0 loaded"

and doesn't work ....i tried even to relace with string equal... from stat it's wrong the comparison with "" after all my replaces( :-? string egual and == !=) in party the tcl partypass it repeats itself ever and ever... give me some advice... tks... :roll:
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Re: that's wrong ... partypass

Post by egghead »

adycrt wrote:[snip]
and doesn't work ....i tried even to relace with string equal... from stat it's wrong the comparison with "" after all my replaces( :-? string egual and == !=) in party the tcl partypass it repeats itself ever and ever... give me some advice... tks... :roll:
Hi adycrt. This script used to work fine on older eggdrops. It is based on the fact that if a matching password is entered, the procedure returns 1. This instructs eggdrop to dump the user to the partyline and process any further input by itself.

It appears that newer versions of eggdrop trigger the CHON again as soon as someone is dumped on the partyline. And this then happens over and over again. If you ask me, this is a bug in eggdrop.

Unfortunately, I do not know a way to fix this without writing a completely new script and subsequently I will remove the script. Thanks for noting.

Note that tcl-commands.doc still states that CHON is only called upon the first connection.
Description: when someone first enters the party-line area of the bot via dcc chat or telnet, this is triggered before they are connected to a chat channel.

Post by adycrt »

tks.... egghead.. but it is pretty cool that the party line is protected by a sec password..... if it is not too hard try :D to write an working version of it ...... if not .... then that's it.. :-?

Bye ..... :(
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De Kus
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Post by De Kus »

why use an partyline password?
  1. entering partyline needs an existing account with flag p and a set password, which must be entered
  2. excluding new user from partyline will be most likly done easiest with removing p from default flags
only positiv thing would be, if you are to lasy to .chattr everyone and write the password into a forum and leave default flag p aktiv... but I can't imagine you have that user using partyline. If you want to use it as a channel, I wonder why you are using eggdrop which doesn't multi-networking and on a single network you can use a privat channel using +ks... but... its not bot, i didn't say anything I just mentioned something ^^.
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Post by ]Kami[ »

yep, very strange, eggdrop already have password protected accounts..Why would you need such script ?