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im looking for fi shells.

Old posts that have not been replied to for several years.
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im looking for fi shells.

Post by virtuoso »

no price limit. i need them to reopen a channel that has been tookover and closed. i know that its the only one ircnet server unpatched and with a large botnet *.fi i can wait the next split and gain the op on the closed channel.
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Post by bobjuh »

Do you really thin people here gonna help you to setup a bot to do a t.o.
It to retake your channel but still. Just move on and move chan to another channel.

I still dont get why the *.fi aren't patches. Still lamers are using *.fi to t.o a channel
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Post by virtuoso »

ehy im not a lamer. the channel was mine. lamers have stolen us the place to be,now we want it back. its not easy to build a good friends community. the most important thing is the ability to give them a stable place to be. peoples don't remember new places very easy.
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Post by ppslim »

Granted, that reply was a bit harsh, but the stance is still the same.

We do not aid with information or other help in t.o of channels. That is a simple fact.

Be it for good or bad purposes, we can't judge, so won't judge. You can't bend a rule just for one person.
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Re: ddd

Post by bobjuh »

virtuoso wrote:ehy im not a lamer. the channel was mine. lamers have stolen us the place to be,now we want it back. its not easy to build a good friends community. the most important thing is the ability to give them a stable place to be. peoples don't remember new places very easy.
If you want a stable place you should try a network where you can register your channel. Best thing to do by a t.o is just move to another channel.
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Post by virtuoso »

i can't join efnet/ircnet/undernet because there aren't peoples who lives in my city. i've found them on i can't change
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Post by ppslim »

But you can change channel.

Do the sensibe thing as we all do.

However, after reading and experimenting with eggdrop, there is little people can do without hacking our bots, which is a threat to most people.
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Post by virtuoso »

no i wont change channel. i want to stay only in the channel where the community is burnt. do u want to change home because someone wants to kick u out of it because he thinks that's "stronger" than you ?
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Post by ppslim »


Well, you analogy is incorrect.

IRC is a service, not a right. You do not own a channel like you own a home, you are simply squattig in the channel yourself.

Bots are there to aid the protection.

Yes I would let sombody take my channel if they would thing they are strong enough. Why would I? Because I am not a stuborn little idiot that is willing to use illegal and uncival methods to regain somthign that isn't my property to begin with.

If you so wish to continue on this path, do so on your own. As previously noted, be it for good or evil, two wrongs do not make a right.
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Post by virtuoso »

--> Yes I would let sombody take my channel if they would thing they are strong enough

you are not right. u seem to invite lamers to get your chan. is it a challenge ?
u know very well that your channel could be tookover easily and in a little time. if u play with the fire,probably the fire will burn u. there are a lot of lamers all around (ircnet). maybe u can launch a challenge in dal net. but im not there. in ircnet the best weapon is to be out of the troubles.

--> IRC is a service, not a right

you are not right for the 2 time. if your thought is correct,then no one in ircnet should open channels,because the basic structure of irc net is not stable at all. its too easy to place a tookover there. why i should lose my energy with the creation of people communities when the first lamer could destroy anything ? there is no convenience. for this reason ircnet is the best place for lamers. i can't change irc server and for this reason i try to safeguard my work. and i think this is my right.
btw an empty server with empty channels,doesn't make sense.

--> I am not a stuborn little idiot that is willing to use illegal and uncival methods to regain somthign that isn't my property to begin with.

have u ever tried to build a friend community ? it takes a lot of time and energy. try to regain the result of your own work is not so stupid. its more stupid try to destroy everything only to see how "strong" they are. but it seems that u won't to condemn these behaviors. u want to condemn mine,instead,because i want to give to my people community a stable place where to talk. what about to use another channel ? i think that's not the solution to the main problem. if u think that there are channels with a better name,which could be imagined faster,u can understand how much value the lamers could stolen to u. only a stupid owner could renounce to a national channel like #london, #italy #usa #france #germany. and to use another channel its not the solution too,because it could be tookover again and again. peoples wants to talk with no problems in the same place, u cannot give them a lot of complicated things to do (like remember a new channel and join it ).

--> to use illegal and uncival methods

illegal methods could be the denial of service,for example. but i don't think its so illegal to use an unpatched server to gain the @ over a closed channel,closed with the brute force /probably using illegal methods here,called d.o.s. / ,where no one can establish a constructive discussion.

--> excusme for the bad english...
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Post by dollar »

You can say whatever you want, we won't help you in trying to overtake any channel.
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Post by virtuoso »

this situation is convenient for almost everyone. for the lamers because they can satisfy the daily frustations of the real life in the irc world doing ircnet wars,for the ircnet admin/opers who can give out i-lines to shell admins. these peoples seems to have "power" in this virtual world and a lot of rights. the only peoples with no rights are who works on the channel creation without to gain moneys and without to have the satisfaction of regain a closed channel. this is not right,no,no,no. in this situation i like to be a lamer. maybe i can get more satisfactions. and if one day i will takeover your channels,you will bite the dust.
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Post by ppslim »

virtuoso wrote:--> Yes I would let sombody take my channel if they would thing they are strong enough

you are not right. u seem to invite lamers to get your chan. is it a challenge ?
u know very well that your channel could be tookover easily and in a little time. if u play with the fire,probably the fire will burn u. there are a lot of lamers all around (ircnet). maybe u can launch a challenge in dal net. but im not there. in ircnet the best weapon is to be out of the troubles.
Why would I launch a chanelenge, and where did I sugest i did.

What I said is, if my bots or manual efforts failed to protect my channel, Boo [censored] Hoo, I lose my channel.

Why waste my efforts attempting to keep somthing away from sombody so stubborn an arorgant.

For sombody to gain a channel by force on increases his stupidity level and blote his ego some more. To release a channel to them is boring.

There not happy without a fight, so they ditch it and get bored.
virtuoso wrote:--> IRC is a service, not a right

you are not right for the 2 time. if your thought is correct,then no one in ircnet should open channels,because the basic structure of irc net is not stable at all. its too easy to place a tookover there. why i should lose my energy with the creation of people communities when the first lamer could destroy anything ? there is no convenience. for this reason ircnet is the best place for lamers. i can't change irc server and for this reason i try to safeguard my work. and i think this is my right.
btw an empty server with empty channels,doesn't make sense.
I am actualy 100% right. I can't find a contract anywhere that states either you or me own the internet. We don't pay a panny to keep these servers alive. Only the server owners and the people that pay the bills have the right to say who owns what.

Look at networks with channel services. WHy the [censored] do you think they call it "R E G I S T E R I N G" you nickname or channel (spacing is deliberate, you can't punch sombody on a forum).

It does not mean you own the nickname, there is no contractual requirment to let you have it.

I seriously think you need to read up what the definition fo the words "rights" (what a person is and isn't allowed to have without predudice) and "privilage" (access to somthing as a matter of trust but does not so one has the rights to use) mean.

IRC is a community based system, where people are granted the ability to create comunities, but does not give them the rights to be the owner.

Take this "I sprayed some grafiti with permission onto a wall next door. Because of that, I now own the wall". Dream on.

I can't find a single referance sayign you or your hated friend own the channel on IRCnet.
virtuoso wrote:--> I am not a stuborn little idiot that is willing to use illegal and uncival methods to regain somthign that isn't my property to begin with.

have u ever tried to build a friend community ? it takes a lot of time and energy. try to regain the result of your own work is not so stupid. its more stupid try to destroy everything only to see how "strong" they are. but it seems that u won't to condemn these behaviors. u want to condemn mine,instead,because i want to give to my people community a stable place where to talk. what about to use another channel ? i think that's not the solution to the main problem. if u think that there are channels with a better name,which could be imagined faster,u can understand how much value the lamers could stolen to u. only a stupid owner could renounce to a national channel like #london, #italy #usa #france #germany. and to use another channel its not the solution too,because it could be tookover again and again. peoples wants to talk with no problems in the same place, u cannot give them a lot of complicated things to do (like remember a new channel and join it ).
Three large points here.

1: I run several large comunities and run them with ease.

2: I don't condone any of the action that you claim I do. Where did I say i did?

What i did say is I don't condone using simalar actions to regain a channel. Again "T W O.....W R O N G S.....D O N T....M A K E.....A.....R I G H T".

I don't condone either of your actions. Try readin what people say before you respond, things make a damned lot more sence.

3: I didn't say there where channel with better names. What I said was, face facts and move on.

I think you will fidn both what the person has done and what you wish to do are not allowed by IRCnet. They specificly say in there rules that you may not use exploits within the IRCD to win arguments.

If the network defines somthing as wrong, we won't help.

Nobody said your users should follow you. Stuff the users, they again, don't belong to you. I fthey don't want to follow you, that is there problem.
virtuoso wrote:--> to use illegal and uncival methods

illegal methods could be the denial of service,for example. but i don't think its so illegal to use an unpatched server to gain the @ over a closed channel,closed with the brute force /probably using illegal methods here,called d.o.s. / ,where no one can establish a constructive discussion.
Re check the IRCnet rules. It is not permitted to use such actions, even if they had in bold type that it is allowed, we wouln't help you.

It's like handing a frigging granade to a baby.
virtuoso wrote:--> excusme for the bad english...
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Post by slennox »

virtuoso wrote:have u ever tried to build a friend community ? it takes a lot of time and energy.
Every experienced IRC user here understands what it is like to have a channel they've put years of their life into taken over. But there is more than one way to respond.
if your thought is correct,then no one in ircnet should open channels,because the basic structure of irc net is not stable at all. its too easy to place a tookover there. why i should lose my energy with the creation of people communities when the first lamer could destroy anything ? there is no convenience. for this reason ircnet is the best place for lamers.
You've hit the nail on the head. The problem is a structural one--some networks like IRCnet and EFnet have long had a somewhat purist attitude which results in a "survival of the fittest" environment. Nobody "owns" channels, as any admin on these networks will tell you, and the rug can be pulled out from under you at any time.

Maybe you'll get lucky and circumstances will result in your regaining the channel, and maybe you'll build your own Maginot line with a few new bots, but as long as the structure of the network persists there is every chance a takeover will happen again.

If you feel so strongly that the situation where you are is unjust, move to greener pastures:

Join the people who are building networks which provide a more stable environment for building communities. Because in this case, to "stand your ground" and respond to aggression with aggression of your own would make you part of the problem. It's to join in the power game which is a magnet for the kiddies, and the cause of the situation you find yourself in.
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Post by virtuoso »

-> Why would I launch a chanelenge, and where did I sugest i did.

reading this sentence --> Yes I would let sombody take my channel if they would thing
they are strong enough

,seems like that u want to launch a challenge to someone...

-> There not happy without a fight, so they ditch it and get bored.

no i don't want that other peoples will stolen a channel to me,only because they are
frustated in the real life and they look for more power and satisfaction.
my brute force wants to affirm my right to exist in a place. the brute force of
the lamers wants to affirm their existence in the virtual world because in the real one
they can't. between these two situations,i think that mine should be justified with
more energy.

-> I seriously think you need to read up what the definition fo the words "rights"
(what a person is and isn't allowed to have without predudice) and "privilage" (access to
somthing as a matter of trust but does not so one has the rights to use) mean.

right = burn when i avenge the results of my work and the possibility to exist as community
in a place,trying to defend our own identity (place + peoples,as in the real life,where a nation can be
occuped by peoples who lives there from the beginning). you can travel a lot all around the world,but
at the end u would to come back home because u fill the lack of your origins.

privilege = burn when i can use the service provided by an ircnet server.

-> Take this "I sprayed some grafiti with permission onto a wall next door. Because of that, I now own the wall". Dream on.

i can't own the wall,because its not mine. but i can ask that my work will be recognized in some way.

-> I can't find a single referance sayign you or your hated friend own the channel on IRCnet.

ok,u are tell me that i can get a channel with a takeover,because i can't find a reference saying that someone owns a channel
in ircnet. if i will be stronger,the channel will be mine.