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Bot complains if no OPs in channel

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Bot complains if no OPs in channel

Post by Spock7291 »

My bot begs for OPs, but, even though I have added it to the OP list, I don't want it to necessarily have OPs. I am not using the Bot for channel control, but mainly to gather channel stats.

Is there a way I can stop this annoying behavior and still collect stats?

I get lines like:
#services is active but has no ops :(
every minute unless there is an OP in the channel, even if it's not the Bot.

I have the following channel related settings:
set global-chanset {
-autoop -autovoice
-bitch -cycle
+dontkickops -dynamicbans
-dynamicexempts -dynamicinvites
-enforcebans -greet
-inactive +nodesynch
+protectfriends +protectops
-revenge -revengebot
-secret +seen
+shared +statuslog
-userbans -userexempts
-userinvites -protecthalfops
and a typical channel is as follows:
channel add #services {
idle-kick 1
flood-nick 5:60
channel set #services +nodesynch +statuslog
I have loaded:
loadmodule dns
loadmodule channels
loadmodule server
loadmodule ctcp
loadmodule irc
loadmodule transfer
loadmodule compress
loadmodule notes
loadmodule console
loadmodule seen
loadmodule blowfish
loadmodule assoc
loadmodule wire
loadmodule uptime
and also
source scripts/alltools.tcl
source scripts/action.fix.tcl
source scripts/compat.tcl
source scripts/userinfo.tcl
Actually, it doesn't beg for OPs so much as complain that there are no OPs on a channel if no one there is OPed. Edited title to indicate correct problem.
Last edited by Spock7291 on Sun Jan 04, 2004 2:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by TALES »

when this is about a msg in channel that it bags for ops edit your config and del the line that says:
need-op { putserv "PRIVMSG #channelname :please OP me!" }

something like that maybe you have change it to another sentins but its about the need-op in channel add #channelname
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Post by TALES »

could also be the +statuslog set it -statuslog may be both sollutions the first post i made just try 1 of these :lol:
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Post by Spock7291 »

I have reset the +statuslog in the global-chanset to -statuslog and removed +statuslog from many of the channels I had it on as it is not really important for them. The others I want to track the sort of information statuslog provides.

I have no lines starting with "need-op" in my entire conf file, so that couldn't be it.

I will upload the changed conf file and rehash as soon as I finish here and monitor what happens. If StatsBot still complains about there being no OP in a room where I have removed the +statuslog parameter then it would appear something else is the cause.

Thank you for your suggestions. I will report back here any success or failure.

Looks like failure. :(

I removed the +statuslog from the #Staff channel and after I had logged into the Bot and rehashed, I got the following:

#Staff is active but has no ops :(

I suppose the next step is to kill the bot and restart to see if that is required.
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Post by YooHoo »

almost sounds like you have some form of getops.tcl or botnetop.tcl running.
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Post by Spock7291 »

That may be, but if so, it came with the standard Bot. I am running eggdrop 1.6.15, does that contain any such script?

I have, since my last post, stopped the bot and restarted it. I just logged into the bot and almost immediately got:
#Staff is active but has no ops :(
I'm sure it's something really stupid I'm doing. I just wish someone would come along and help me to figure out what it is so I can get it to stop.
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Post by YooHoo »

i think maybe a bit more info is needed. .status all gives a lot of useful info, but a complete copy of the conf file (minus the host/ip/port :wink: ) would be best for quickest answer.
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Post by Spock7291 »

Where should I post/send such information. I was going to comment that the conf file was rather large until I found that the .status all was 125 lines long! :o

I cannot imagine wasting forum database space for such large files, but if that is the end result, I will post them as two separate posts and they can be deleted after a solution is found.
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Post by YooHoo »

seen it before...don't imagine anyone would mind. It's your best bet for an answer to your question :mrgreen:
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.status all

Post by Spock7291 »

[13:24] <Spock> .status all
[13:24] <StatsBot> [13:25] #Spock# status all
[13:24] <StatsBot> I am StatsBot, running eggdrop v1.6.15: 4 users (mem: 144k)
[13:24] <StatsBot> Online for 20:31 (background) CPU 00:08 cache hit 8.2%
[13:24] <StatsBot> Module: eggdrop, v 106.15
[13:25] <StatsBot> [13:26] #Admin is active but has no ops :(
[13:25] <StatsBot> [13:26] #services is active but has no ops :(
[13:25] <StatsBot> [13:26] #Staff is active but has no ops :(
[13:26] <StatsBot> [13:27] #Admin is active but has no ops :(
[13:26] <StatsBot> [13:27] #services is active but has no ops :(
[13:26] <StatsBot> [13:27] #Staff is active but has no ops :(

[Edited post to remove most of .status all so it doesn't take up as much room.]
Last edited by Spock7291 on Tue Jan 06, 2004 5:43 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Spock7291 »

I will wait to post the conf file for later ... if it is still deemed necessary.
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Post by YooHoo »

I was advised that this is a bug inherent to 1.6.15, that the bot mistakes who is @ and who is not. Check .channel....does the bot see anyone @'ed?

eggdrop 1.6.13 seems to not have this problem at all, if its any consolation. Seems to me maybe someone can work a patch, or there is one already, although i couldn't find it. :(
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Post by Spock7291 »

Great. All this time I've been fighting a bug?

Wonder when 1.5.16 will be out and if it will work any better?
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