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telnet denied / NAT not working no DCC

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telnet denied / NAT not working no DCC

Post by wacko »


I recently setup a cpl of eggdrop bots 1.6.15 on my fedora box. I compiled and ran them successfully and they showed up on the network. The only problem being I can't DCC chat to them. Tried all methods /ctcp botnick chat etc ... ( I havn't tried to relink them yet)

I have set the myip in the config but still no luck. Everything else from the eggdrop side is setup identical to wht it was when It was at a shell server.

I was getting Denied Telnet from the logs. I do not have telnet enabled on my local box. When i try to telnet to I get a connection refused. Is this the issue?? Isn't enabling telnet a security issue? as wherever I have read I have been always told to use ssh over telnet. (although I'm not sure this is possible for eggies?) How would i enable it if it is required I couldnt find anything in xinetd.d directory?

and can I limit its use to the local network via iptables? or would external users also need access to DCC chat to the bot?!

Also I read something about portforwarding from the router for DCC chats and file sends? Could somone please shed some light on that.

Any help much appreciated.
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Post by ]Kami[ »

Yeah you need to open ports for dcc chat.You look in mIRC what range you have set for dcc and then you open it in nat->special applications..(router).
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Post by j0n »

Just a comment on the telnet. You can disable the telnet on your local server, but you can still telnet "locally". Just make sure you are using the correct bot port (user).

If it says access denied, just look at your hostname in the userfile, and the hostname you see in the log. You might need to edit the hostname with the -telnet prefix.

Post by wacko »


thnks for your replies!

I had to add telnet@localhost to my userfile and now I can telnet in from the box locally.

Howver I am still having problems chatting to the bot from my IRC client
I have opened the ports on my router for the dcc range but i still get the following

(Since when I DCC to the bot Im in effect DCC'ing to my external IP, or when try try to dcc to my box internally

[10:36] CTCP CHAT: from kilx (
[10:37] -kilx ( DCC Chat (
[10:37] CTCP DCC: CHAT chat 3560467521 4688 from kilx (
[10:37] DCC connection: CHAT (kilx!
[10:38] Lost connection while resolving hostname []
[10:40] Password timeout on dcc chat: [kilx]
[10:40] CTCP CHAT: from kilx (
[10:44] Telnet connection:
[10:44] Refused user3@ (invalid handle: 100 kilx)
[10:44] Telnet connection:
[10:44] Refused user3@ (invalid handle: 100 kilx)

The handle is the valid handle of the owner of the bot. I have also set nat-ip in my config but stilll not having any luck.

Any Help Appreciated


Post by Miro »

You try to DCC your bot, but your bot's host use a private ip address and that one will not be routed trough a Internet. I need more info about location of your server (at home and connected on same LAN as your client or your server is placed on other place and you connect them via Internet). Also you can try without "set my-ip" or "set my-hostname" in your eggdrop config.
Anyway your problem is in a private IP address (192.168.x.x in your case) in your bot's host.

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Post by De Kus »

wacko wrote:The handle is the valid handle of the owner of the bot. I have also set nat-ip in my config but stilll not having any luck.
Miro wrote:Also you can try without "set my-ip" or "set my-hostname" in your eggdrop config.
eggdrop.conf wrote:# If you have a NAT firewall (you box has an IP in one of the following
# ranges:,,
# and your firewall transparently changes your
# address to a unique address for your box) or you have IP masquerading
# between you and the rest of the world, and /dcc chat,/ctcp chat or
# userfile sharing aren't working, enter your outside IP here. Do not
# enter anything for my-ip or my-hostname if you use this setting.
just check all settings for any collisions, bot DCC chat should work fine even behind NAT. Just notice it will fail however if never you never the bot has a correctly configured port mapping. If the bot lags the setting you may only use /dcc and if you lag the setting and the bot not you may only use /ctcp chat.
De Kus
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