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be weary of

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be weary of

Post by MadEye »

an admin at got onto my bnc on their twisted server abusing his admin privileges and used a connected user of mine to change the topic of my private channel to "" [Apr-27][03:02] * Topic is 'You may not use private vhost - your psybnc has been killed, please reconfigure it'
[Apr-27][03:02] * Set by _[^_^]__! on Mon Apr 26 22:02:41"" all without my permission and all that just because I used a listed vhost on BitchX, which was misconfigured to show all the vhosts on the box private and public, and that certain vhost was the admins personal vhost, this could have been avoided if that certain admin used his brains and just by sending me an email or a pm, but he abused his admin privilages and the privacy of aggressive hosting customers by using my bnc and getting into private channels and changing settings without owners permission. So be weary guys of some admins snooping at u while using ur psybnc there. Morals with some admins are non-existant there.

After bringing such an issue to the owner. this is what he had to say:
[Apr-27][19:21] <Aggressiv> I said I'd take care of it.
[Apr-27][19:21] <Aggressiv> I'll be back later, I got a meeting.

then when my patience was drained I posted the exact same msg at the top in their channel. Furiously the admin replied:
[Apr-27][23:06] <@Aggressiv> You will watch your mouth in my channel boy
[Apr-27][23:06] <@Aggressiv> when you have no idea what your talking about.
[Apr-27][23:06] * Aggressiv sets mode: -o+b ME *!*@*
[Apr-27][23:06] * You were kicked from #aggressivehosting by Yoshiii (Banned)
I suppose he wanted to justify himself infront of the customers in the channel .. who knows.

killing all my prc's there yet I got a full month on my subscription (which he offered to refund but I refused getting my money back!) I left them and suggest anyone that uses them to be weary of snooping, and if ur thinking of buying there, think again!
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Post by caesar »

First you should read their AUP (Acceptable Use Policy) and ther TOS (Terms Of Usage). Also, chek if there are some PRIVATE vhosts reserved just for VIP's or for persons that have paid money for a specific domain. Since is it's domain then you can't use it since he/she had paid some money for it.

Second: if you had a lil problem (let's say an abuse from their side or whatever) contact the support team or the administrator and talk and find a way to find an solution. Isn't nice to go on discutions forums and recomand other people not to use theyr services just cos you had a problem..

Read what I have recomanded you and contact the support team or/and the administrator in order to solve the problem.
Once the game is over, the king and the pawn go back in the same box.
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Post by MadEye »

Their AUP (Acceptable Use Policy) and TOS (Terms Of Usage) is identical
to any shell provider. Same legal mumbo jumbo just different color. Besides the vhost was listed on BitchX - ./hostname just like any other vhost. I just figured his lazy ass didn't update the vhost list and used it. Turned out he didn't know that BitchX listed all the vhosts private and public alike.

I have talked with the owner about the actions of his admin. but he was
more afraid of losing the admin than a customer, (because he offers cheap
shells he can't afford paying admins good money) his words but not quoting
I have been with that shell provider for year, uptimes aren't that great,
hardly over 30days at a time,bad connections, boxes will go offline overnight with no admin
around to fix, but I was loyal and stuck around with him. Until this incident
that toped it all.

Sure it isn't nice to come here and say all this, but the reality of some
owners aren't nice either. So if I help atleast 1 person to stear away from them
until they get their priorities straight, then I done my part.
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Re: be weary of

Post by }eXtreme{ »

MadEye wrote:an admin at got onto my bnc on their twisted server abusing his admin privileges and used a connected user of mine to change the topic of my private channel to "" [Apr-27][03:02] * Topic is 'You may not use private vhost - your psybnc has been killed, please reconfigure it'
this could have been avoided if that certain admin used his brains and just by sending me an email or a pm, but he abused his admin privilages and the privacy of aggressive hosting customers by using my bnc and getting into private channels and changing settings without owners permission. So be weary guys of some admins snooping at u while using ur psybnc there. Morals with some admins are non-existant there.

MadEye. Damn. I really understand you. That is ABUSE and there is not excuses for that. So he bypassed your password, joined through your BNC with op on your private channel and through your identity wrote topic on it?

Caesar what is the difference between that post and 1000 other complains against shell providers behaviour on that forum?
It is discussion forum, atleast I understand it that way and I see there a good place for that kinda discussion. I see that some shell providers are somekinda "popular" here (more than other), but that isn't the reason for defend them without any good argument. Do you consider aggressivehosting as victim in that case? Did you forget why people usually BUY professional shell account? It has to do something with security and privacy... I think. Anyone disagree?

As a potential user I am atleast warned that my psyBNC could be violated through server admin access... It's true that this kinda posts could make business damage to someone, but some shell providers should learn more than just pick other people hard earned money.
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Post by ppslim »

I party agree with the actions of the admin here. Just because there are methods of listing vhosts available on a system, that doesn't grant permission to use them.

I agree with the fact he terminated the account, this is his right. I don't agree with him opping in a channel to change the topic the way he did.

You will find he is permitted to enter your account at any time however.

By all means, inform people of his actions of changing the topic, however, don't go on about there actions in the channel. You have all but said you have taken very little other action other that parrot on a IRC channel about it.

If your continualy repeating yourself in his channel about it, I don't blame him for the ban either.

My sugestion is to contact his via e-mail, and do not talk about the fact he changed your topic. You will only infuriate the matter.

Rather, ask him why your accout was terminated. Admit that you used vhost X, and say how you obtained it. Ask him where you can find the permitted list so that it can't happen again.

It's a bit like going to a football match. Your ticket says you should be going to one area only. Just because you can get to another area, doesn't mean your allowed.
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Post by }eXtreme{ »

On IRCnet (big network without chanserv =) is "popular" to gain (hack) acces in other people botnet or psyBNC and take channels with that. We use term "owned" for that. So we are probably more sensitive about that kinda treating. Our channels depend from our botnet or psyBNC security.

Yes server admins are permitted to get in our accounts, kill them, erase them, or whatever.. but not to gain acces to our channels with that, op themself on our channels, bypass encrypted passwords etc...
There are other methods for contact with user. As MadEye wrote: "this could have been avoided if that certain admin used his brains and just by sending me an email or a pm". I consider that as normal way to contact with customers.

ppslim you gave good example with that football match :-)
ppslim wrote:It's a bit like going to a football match. Your ticket says you should be going to one area only. Just because you can get to another area, doesn't mean your allowed.
But does that give to admin right to threat as hackers? It could be compared with hooligans (hackers) and security (server admins) on that already mentioned football match. Just because you are in wrong area security don't have right to act as hooligans and beat you.
There are other methods for removing you from there.
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Post by MadEye »

I couldn't have responded better }eXtrme{ to that football analogy.
Its not like I intentially used his vhost. I had no idea it was private.

ppslim, Don't put it that I continuously repeated my self in the channel until the poor patient owner got fedup and banned/terminated the account. No, he just didn't like me 'discrediting him infront of the channel', by saying what actually occured by that certain admin and the actions of the owner towards this admin, ONCE, and only ONCE.
And thats after I contacted the owner describing what happen from his admin, and found out that the owner was going to do nothing about it, NADA, ZILCH. and blew me off.

Shouldn't the owner be more harsh on his admins discrediting him than on
his customers. All that admin got was 'please don't do it again'.
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Post by ppslim »

I didn't sugest that you did flood his channel with questions. Rather stated a fact that if he did.

It is very clear from my post, I do not condone the actions against your channel. However, channels are not property, regardless of a registration system.

Two things come to mind with that.

1: They are not property. There is little you can do.
2: Complaining to the network about it, will only get your bots banned. Why, because it would be classed as more of a hack against the network that your channel.
Its not like I intentially used his vhost. I had no idea it was private.
You can use the annalogy the other way around.

You did intentionaly use his vhost, you can't say you didn't. You made consious decision to to pick that v-host from the list. You also had no idea it was public.

Remember, you are using another persons service, the onus is on you to check and verify access to parts of the system.

It has never been upto the sys admin to educate his users what access they are lot allowed.

This is more common sence than legal practice.
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Re: be weary of

Post by slennox »

We've only heard one side of the story, but based on what we've been told, MadEye accidentally used a vhost he thought was public (based on its appearance in the BitchX listing) and the fact that it worked for him probably reinforced this perception. Perhaps the use of BitchX, when it's more common to get the list of public vhosts from the provider's website or using a vhost/vhosts command, could be viewed as underhanded. But that's hardly clear cut.

Perhaps some world weary admins who've come to view every paying customer as a potential hacker misconstrue actions which, as described, had no impact whatsoever on the stability and security of the system, where even an account suspension would be going over the top as a first repsonse. At worst, he insulted the admin's territorial personality, and at best, did the provider a favour by finding this little hole in their system.
MadEye wrote:an admin at got onto my bnc on their twisted server abusing his admin privileges and used a connected user of mine to change the topic of my private channel to "" [Apr-27][03:02] * Topic is 'You may not use private vhost - your psybnc has been killed, please reconfigure it'
Many admins (and owners) are former kiddies trying to reinvent themselves, and as you've discovered, some retain the ethically bankrupt kiddy mindset. The admin was probably so outraged to find someone else using his vhost that he reverted to kiddie-mode and overreacted.