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Anyway to modify Idle-Kick eggdrop function ?

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Anyway to modify Idle-Kick eggdrop function ?

Post by Caribou »

Hello, i ear about an integred function who kick users with large idle times.

But i wanna use this detector to do something else than kicking the user, is there anyways to do this? using the idle-kick detection like a bind and adding personal tcl scripts, like "bind flud" and flood detection. :-?
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Post by greenbear »

Taken from
getchanidle <nickname> <channel>
Returns: number of minutes that person has been idle; 0 if the
specified user isn't on the channel
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Post by Caribou »

Yeah but i wanted to use the Idle-Kick from the eggdrop, and not making my own function to check idle time of all users.
I guess that mean i have to do it entirely, thanks
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Post by awyeah »

There is a script I remember by MC_8.
It does almost the same. :mrgreen:

It is name is 'On Idle' by MC_8.
Description: This script will react to idle timers you setup. If a user idles in the channel longer than you want, have this script do something about it. Valid reactions include /kick,/ban,/msg and many more. This doesn't have to just kick/ban, can do much more for example deop idle'n op's.
To download it:

I recommend you search the tcl archive descriptions of, and other websites with eggdrop tcl archives before you start posting here!

Facebook: (Jay Dee)
PS: Guys, I don't accept script helps or requests personally anymore.
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Post by Caribou »

Yeah yeah, i searched in archives before posting there, i also made a research on board with few keywords and found someone talking about On Idle script. but i didn't find anything about another way to use Idle-Kick option, except than just setting the max idle before kicking, i wanted to make the bot just noticing ops about this and not kicking, not much.

But thanks to remind me about On Idle and giving me the link, cause i think its the only solution, i will check it :D