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own Q

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own Q

Post by sabre »

I need somekind of Q (Quakenet bot) which does exactly the same? like:
  • * /msg <botname> chanlev #channel <nickname> , +ao/v/b and it will give a certain person autops/voice/ban in a certain channelwhen he joins.
    * /msg <botname> invite #channel , the bots invite you to a certain channel if the user has a +ao flag.
    * /msg <botname> chanlev #channel , shows the users with flags in a certain channel.
    * /msg <botname> whois <nickname> , whows the flags of a certain user.
    * /msg <botname> (un)ban/(de)op/(de)voice #channel <nickname> , to ban/unban, voice/devoice or op/deop him in a certain channel.
does something like this excist? or else could someone make it?
Why? cuz in order to get Q you need 50 idlers for 14 days. And it would be easier if you could use your own eggdrop to do these things :)
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Joined: Mon Jun 17, 2002 8:00 pm
Location: Austria

Post by GodOfSuicide »

90% of what you posted are featured in QNet's L-Bot. The only thing from your list that's not covered by L is the Q-Auth-Ban, and you can find multiple scripts for it in the TCL archive.

Post by sabre »

not really, L bot has a chanlev limit of 20 people which isnt enough. therefor i want a own bot for that. btw already found something equal so u can close this one :p
Posts: 178
Joined: Tue Oct 28, 2003 3:47 pm
Location: Netherlands

Post by dollar »

If you have so many people, wait two weeks and request Q.
dollar (or something similar) at:
#eggdrop / #tcl - undernet
#egghelp / #tcl / #eggtcl - efnet / #tcl - quakenet
#eggdrop - ircnet