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Post by Kurupt »

somebody helped me and with his colaboration i got that source

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bind nick -|- * nick:change 
proc nick:change {nick uhost hand chan newnick} {
   if {[isbotnick $nick]} {
	 foreach bind [binds $nick] {
		 set type [lindex $bind 0]
		 set flag [lindex $bind 1]
		 set mask [lindex $bind 2]
		 set proc [lindex $bind 4]
		 regsub -- $nick $mask $newnick newmask 
		 unbind $type $flag $mask $proc
		 bind $type $flag $newmask $proc
bind evnt - init-server connect:irc
proc connect:irc {type} {
   global botnick settings
   set cmdpfix [lindex [split $settings(binds)] 0]
   foreach bind [binds ${cmdpfix}*] {
	  set cmd [string trimleft [lindex $bind 2] $cmdpfix]
	  bind pubm [lindex $bind 1] "% $botnick~${cmd}*" [lindex $bind 4]

That script works afther restart but if the botnick changed i need a new restart for working with the new nick.So maybe sombody got a ideea to modify the script or got a bether script i am realy interesed. thanks
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Post by awyeah »

Check this thread to see how to bind for botnick change outside a channel, because when you connect on init-server the bot is on no channel at that moment, it eventually takes time to join all the channels added in its .chan file. :P

Facebook: (Jay Dee)
PS: Guys, I don't accept script helps or requests personally anymore.
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Post by YooHoo »

This is the script I use, available at the tcl archives:

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# botnick.tcl v1.0 (21 November 1999)
# copyright  1999 by slennox <>
# slennox's eggdrop page -
# This script adds a little feature that lots of people ask for - a DCC
# command (for global +n users) that changes the bot's nickname.
# Usage: botnick <newnick>
# Additional Features
# * You can use question marks in the newnick and the bot will substitute
#   random numbers, e.g. '.botnick harry??' would create a nick like
#   'harry53'.
# * You can use '.botnick -altnick' to make the bot switch to its alternate
#   nickname.

# Don't edit below unless you know what you're doing.

proc bn_dccbotnick {hand idx arg} {
  global altnick nick
  putcmdlog "#$hand# botnick $arg"
  set newnick [lindex [split $arg] 0]
  if {$newnick == ""} {
    putidx $idx "Usage: botnick <newnick>"
    return 0
  if {$newnick == "-altnick"} {
    set newnick $altnick
  while {[regsub -- \\? $newnick [rand 10] newnick]} {continue}
  putidx $idx "Changing nick to '$newnick'..."
  set nick $newnick
  return 0

bind dcc n botnick bn_dccbotnick

putlog "Loaded botnick.tcl v1.0 by slennox"

It works perfectly, although the version I have is altered slightly, so there is a switch to return to original nick (.botnick -true), and to do so after a certain period of time if not returned. Hope this helps :mrgreen:
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Post by awyeah »

This is for changing the bots nick in dcc (partyline). The script which I recommended detects if the bot changes its nick, then does what ever you want it to do. :)

Facebook: (Jay Dee)
PS: Guys, I don't accept script helps or requests personally anymore.
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Post by Kurupt »

No error but still not works

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bind raw - NICK rawNick
proc rawNick {f k a} {
  if {$f==$::botname} {
  # new botnick is [string range $a 1 end]
    foreach bind [binds $nick] {
      set type [lindex $bind 0]
      set flag [lindex $bind 1]
      set mask [lindex $bind 2]
      set proc [lindex $bind 4]

      regsub -- $nick $mask $newnick newmask

      unbind $type $flag $mask $proc
      bind $type $flag $newmask $proc
bind evnt - init-server connect:irc

proc connect:irc {type} {
  global botnick settings

  set cmdpfix [lindex [split $settings(binds)] 0]

  foreach bind [binds ${cmdpfix}*] {

    set cmd [string trimleft [lindex $bind 2] $cmdpfix]
    bind pubm [lindex $bind 1] "% $botnick~${cmd}*" [lindex $bind 4]
bind pub - .uptime uptime
proc uptime {nick uhost hand chan args} {
  global uptime {server-online};
  if {[catch {exec uptime} server]} {set server "Windows/Server"}
  putserv "privmsg $chan :UPTIME: [duration [expr [unixtime] - $uptime]], ON-LINE [duration [expr [unixtime] - ${server-online}]], SERVER UPTIME $server "