Or, on the other hand you can use TCL.
Here are some examples:
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#This small piece of code will only op bot owners when they join a channel.
bind join n "*" op:owner
proc op:owner {nick uhost hand chan} {
putserv "MODE $chan +o $nick"
You can set this to be global or local flags as well, by using variations of flags with:
bind join <flags|flags> "*" op:owner
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#This small piece of code will op all joining a channel users matching the host *!*@*.aol.com
bind join - "*" op:aol:users
proc op:aol:users {nick uhost hand chan} {
if {([string match "*aol.com*" [lindex [split $uhost @] 1]])} {
putserv "MODE $chan +o $nick"
or it can be like this too:
bind join - "*!*@*.aol.com" op:aol:users
proc op:aol:users {nick uhost hand chan} {
putserv "MODE $chan +o $nick"
So then, we can create multiple binds if you like, with this. For opping the nick 'awyeah' we can use:
bind join - "awyeah!*@*" op:user
Since people can impersonate it would be best to use an ident and even input a class d, c ip range if possible. Here are some examples:
bind join - "awyeah!cool@*" op:user
bind join - "awyeah!cool@202.188.*" op:user
bind join - "awyeah!cool@*.cable.rogers.com" op:user