I'm looking for a script where users can !addop or !addpeon (voice) and it will op or voice the users that were added in the channel. I know there have been posts like this before, but people respond with scripts that just allow !op which is not permanent. Does anyone have a script that will !addop/peon and save it, and each time the user joins the channel they get autooped? Also, something where you can delete those users
what you are looking for doesn't require a script - setting that channel +autoop is enough (or giving +a flag to people who need to be autooped); respectively +autovoice and +v
Acutually, demond, I believe he is looking for a script that will add the user to the userfile, then set the user's flag+ao when !addop is said in a channel. And then a part where !delop takes away to +ao option.
bind pub m !addop foo
bind pub m !addpeon foo
bind pub m !delop foo
bind pub m !delpeon foo
proc foo {n u h c t} {
set n [lindex [split $t] 0]
if {[string range $::lastbind 4 5] == "op"} {set f a} {set f g}
if {[set u [getchanhost $n $c]] == ""} return
set h [finduser $n!$u]
switch $::lastbind {
"!addop" - "!addpeon" {
if {$h == "*"} {adduser $n [maskhost $n!$u]; set h $n}
chattr $h +$f
"!delop" - "!delpeon" {
if {$h == "*"} return
chattr $h -$f