Hiya, i have netbots installed on 9 bots, all linked correctly etc, but someone who has auto ops, for example, all bots op that person at once, as you can imagine this would 'flood' the channel, is there a way to set it so just one ops and unbans please?
I don't believe this is a netbots problem; it's that the bans expire almost simultaneously on all bots and they lift that ban prior seeing it's already been lifted (or maybe eggdrop doesn't check that at all, I have to take a look at the source)
Not sure if this is what you mean... But anywayz...
If you have a large number of bots looking after a channel, it can be kind of annoying when a dynamic ban expires and every bot on the botnet does a -b for each ban that has expired.
So ideally I just wanted one or two bots to do all of the -ban removal for the bans.
The solution that I found to work was to have one bot with a ban-time of 118 minutes in the eggdrop config file, so that it would remove and expire the bans before the other bots; and then have another bot with a ban-time of 119, again, so that it would remove any bans a minute later if the first bot missed one or if it was offline.
Then I just left all the other bots on the botnet with a ban-time of 120 which is the default for eggdrop so that if all else failed, the bans would still get removed even if more than one of them did it.
Again, not sure if that's what you wanted... But thought I would share anyway.