Well you can make a pub command tcl or even one which triggers on private messages. Now I don't know what botattr specifically does? .+user? or .+host? or something relevant in DCC (partyline). Okay I see.
botattr <handle> [changes [channel]]
Description: similar to chattr except this modifies bot flags rather
than normal user attributes.
Returns: new flags for the bot (if you made no changes, the current
flags are returned). If a channel was specified, the global AND the
channel-specific flags for that channel are returned in the format of
globalflags|channelflags. "*" is returned if the specified bot does
not exist.
Module: core
#For channels
bind pub - !botattr pub:botattr
proc pub:botattr {nick uhost hand chan text} {
botattr [lindex $text 0] [lindex $text 1]
#For private messages
bind msg - !botattr msg:botattr
proc msg:botattr {nick uhost hand text} {
botattr [lindex $text 0] [lindex $text 1]
You can also make the bind trigger for masters or owners by defining them in the bind so not everyone uses and abuses it.
#Only for owners
bind pub n !botattr pub:botattr
#Only for masters
bind pub m !botattr pub:botattr
Similarly you can do local (channel specific) and global flags, m|o, nm|f and etc.
Facebook: jawad@idsia.ch (Jay Dee) PS: Guys, I don't accept script helps or requests personally anymore.