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Help with mIRC > TCL

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Help with mIRC > TCL

Post by rexx »

if someone really can help me with this mirc script i will glad :)

on 1:TEXT:!scrimhelp:#: {
//msg $nick 1,15How to Use ScrimBot:
//msg $nick 1,15Private message ScrimBot in this format..
//msg $nick 1,15!setscrim [TagOfTeamRequestingScrimmage] [TimeYouWantToScrim] [ScrimOrTeamChannel]
//msg $nick 1,15A scrim request would look like this: !setscrim nmX 9cst #nmX
//msg $nick 1,15A scrim request would look like this: !setscrim nmX 9cst #nmX
//msg $nick 1,15A scrim request would look like this: !setscrim nmX 9cst #nmX
//msg $nick 1,15IF YOU NEED TO HAVE MORE THAN ONE WORD FOR A PIECE OF INFORMATION DON'T USE A SPACE. Use a period or underscore. An example of a setscrim command with more than one "word" in a part of the setscrim command would be: 4,15!setscrim nmX 9cst.or_later #nmx

on 1:TEXT:!scrimhelp:?: {
//msg $nick 1,15How to Use ScrimBot:
//msg $nick 1,15Private message ScrimBot in this format..
//msg $nick 1,15!setscrim [TagOfTeamRequestingScrimmage] [TimeYouWantToScrim] [ScrimOrTeamChannel]
//msg $nick 1,15A scrim request would look like this: !setscrim nmX 9cst #nmX
//msg $nick 1,15A scrim request would look like this: !setscrim nmX 9cst #nmX
//msg $nick 1,15A scrim request would look like this: !setscrim nmX 9cst #nmX
//msg $nick 1,15IF YOU NEED TO HAVE MORE THAN ONE WORD FOR A PIECE OF INFORMATION DON'T USE A SPACE. Use a period or underscore. An example of a setscrim command with more than one "word" in a part of the setscrim command would be: 4,15!setscrim nmX 9cst.or_later #nmx
on 1:TEXT:!setscrim*:?: {
//amsg 1,15Scrim Request: Team:4,15 $2 1,15Time:4,15 $3 1,15Scrim Channel:4,15 $4 1,15Requester:4,15 $nick

on 1:TEXT:!nmxscrim:#nmx-ictf: {
//amsg 1,15Scrim Request: Team:4,15 nmX 1,15Time:4,15 Now! 1,15Scrim Channel:4,15 #nmX 1,15Requester:4,15 $nick

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Post by Alchera »

As none of us (as far as I know) can comprehend that mIRC stuff and you do, try learning TCL. Happy studies. :D
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De Kus
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Post by De Kus »

seems he only needs to lookup "bind" and "puthelp" in the TCL-Commands.doc. As far as i can see these will be (besides proc) the only TCL commands he will need ^-^.
The only real mistake that can be done by a newbie would be to forget to escape the [] braces in the text message ;).
De Kus
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Post by Alchera »

Looks like help with colour codes also. :)
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Post by greenbear »

Code: Select all

bind msg - !scrimhelp msg:scrimhelp
bind pub - !scrimhelp pub:scrimhelp
bind pub - !nmxscrim pub:nmxscrim
bind msg - !setscrim msg:setscrim

proc msg:scrimhelp {nick uhost hand text} {
 say:scrimhelp $nick

proc pub:scrimhelp {nick uhost hand chan text} {
 say:scrimhelp $nick

pub say:scrimhelp nick {
 puthelp "PRIVMSG $nick :\002\00301,15How to use ScrimBot:"
 puthelp "PRIVMSG $nick :\002\00301,15!setscript \[TagOfTeamRequestingScrimmage\] \[TimeYouWantToScrim\] \[ScrimOrTeamChannel\]"
 puthelp "PRIVMSG $nick :\002\00301,15A scrim request would look like this: !setscrim nmX 9cst #nmX"
 puthelp "PRIVMSG $nick :\002\00301,15A scrim request would look like this: !setscrim nmX 9cst #nmX"
 puthelp "PRIVMSG $nick :\002\00301,15A scrim request would look like this: !setscrim nmX 9cst #nmX"
  Use a period or underscore. An example of a setscrim command with more than one "word" in a part of the setscrim command\
  would be: \00304,15!setscrim nmX 9cst.or_later #nmx"

proc pub:nmxscrim {nick uhost hand chan text} {
 if [string eg -noc $chan #nmx-ictf] {
  foreach c [channels] {
   puthelp "PRIVMSG $c :\002\00301,15Scrim Request:\002 \037Team:\037\00304,15 nmX \00301,15\037Time:\037\00304,15\
    Now! \00301,15\037Scrim Channel:\037\00304,15 #nmX \00301,15\037Requester:\037\00304,15 $nick"

proc msg:setscrim {nick uhost hand text} {
 set team [lindex [split $text] 0]
 set when [lindex [split $text] 1]
 set where [lindex [split $text] 2]
 foreach c [channels]
  puthelp "PRIVMSG $c :\002\00301,15Scrim Request:\002 \037Team:\037\00304,15 [join $team] \00301,15\037Time:\037\00304,15\
   [join $when] \00301,15\037Scrim Channel:\037\00304,15 [join $where] \00301,15\037Requester:\037\00304,15 $nick"