Can you share your changes so I can understand what you're trying to do?gembels wrote:Tested with putdcc $antispam(idx) quit
It didnt change ident, realname and IP, it just change the nickname only.
Can you share your changes so I can understand what you're trying to do?gembels wrote:Tested with putdcc $antispam(idx) quit
It didnt change ident, realname and IP, it just change the nickname only.
Code: Select all
proc timerehash {} {
set listnamabot [list "sinagabonar" "rukiyati"]
set listident [list "bonar" "yati"]
set listrealname [list "android" "andro"]
set listip [list "" "" ]
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proc antispamcore {m h args} {
variable antispam; variable Sec
if {![info exists antispam(idx)] || ![valididx $antispam(idx)]} {
if {[info exists antispam(idx)]} {unset antispam(idx)}
if {[info exists antispam(cnick)]} {unset antispam(cnick)}
foreach {s p} [split [lindex [lindex $::servers [expr {[incr antispam(next)]%[llength $::servers]}]] 0] :] {break}
foreach c [channels] {
if {[vcg $c ap:antispam] && [lindex [split [channel get $c ap:antispam]] 0] == "+"} {
set ::my-ip $antispam(ip); set ::my-hostname $antispam(host)
control [connect $s $p] [namespace current]::antispambot
putlog "\002AP\002: AntiSpamBot: Connecting to $s:$p..."
putlog "\002AP\002: AntiSpamBot: IP $antispam(ip)"
set asbc 0
foreach c [channels] {
set mins [expr {[scan $m %d]+([scan $h %d]*60)}]
foreach {off greet cycle idle} [split [channel get $c ap:antispam]] {break}
if {$off == "+"} {incr asbc}
if {[onchan $antispam(cnick) $c] && $off != "+"} {
putdcc $antispam(idx) "part $c"
} elseif {$cycle != 0 && $mins%$cycle == 0 && [onchan $antispam(cnick) $c]} {
if {![info exists antispam([set e [string tolower $c]:idle])]} {set antispam($e) [unixtime]}
if {[unixtime]-$antispam($e) < $idle*60 && [botisop $c]} {
putlog "\002AP\002: AntiSpamBot: mondar mandir $c..."
set listnamabot [list "telstrax" "dayplex"]
set namabot [lindex $listnamabot [rand [llength $listnamabot]]]
putdcc $antispam(idx) "join $c"
putdcc $antispam(idx) "nick $namabot"
putdcc $antispam(idx) "privmsg $c :[lindex $antispam(r) [rand [llength $antispam(r)]]]"
after 30000
putdcc $antispam(idx) "part $c"
} {if {![onchan $antispam(cnick) $c] && $off == "+"} {putdcc $antispam(idx) "join $c"}}
if {!$asbc} {
putdcc $antispam(idx) quit
putlog "\002AP\002: AntiSpamBot: Disconnected (disabled on all channels)..."
And it keep spamming this for ever..(14:00:02) -› Blop (+l) 11
(14:00:02) -› ChanServ (-l) #botheaven
(14:01:02) -› Blop (+l) 11
(14:01:02) -› ChanServ (-l) #botheaven
(14:02:02) -› Blop (+l) 11
(14:02:02) -› ChanServ (-l) #botheaven
(14:03:02) -› Blop (+l) 11
(14:03:02) -› ChanServ (-l) #botheaven
(14:04:02) -› Blop (+l) 11
(14:04:02) -› ChanServ (-l) #botheaven
(14:05:02) -› Blop (+l) 11
(14:05:02) -› ChanServ (-l) #botheaven
(14:06:02) -› Blop (+l) 11
(14:06:02) -› ChanServ (-l) #botheaven
(14:07:02) -› Blop (+l) 11
(14:07:02) -› ChanServ (-l) #botheaven
(14:08:02) -› Blop (+l) 11
(14:08:02) -› ChanServ (-l) #botheaven
(14:09:02) -› Blop (+l) 11
(14:09:03) -› ChanServ (-l) #botheaven
(14:10:02) -› Blop (+l) 11
(14:10:02) -› ChanServ (-l) #botheaven
(14:11:02) -› Blop (+l) 11
(14:11:02) -› ChanServ (-l) #botheaven
First, are you sure that is +I ?taxick wrote: ...
The bot (Blop) set +I and ChanServ remove it again.
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## 15 ## Join flood.
lappend ap:udefs {ap:cjoin "3:2 120 kb 2"}
# Join flood: Check for join flood from same idents as well? (0: no, 1: yes)
set joinflood(checkident) 1
# Join flood: Lock channel when triggered ? (1: yes , 0: no)
set joinflood(lockchan) 1
# Join flood: If lock channel is enable, what modes ?
set joinflood(lockmode) "mR-k clone.join.flood"
# Join flood: lock time in seconds.
set joinflood(locktime) 45
set joinflood(kmsg) "Join flood detected. $kckcount(form)"
set joinflood(wmsg) "Warning: you've triggered join flood protection, further offence will cause harsher actions."
## Edit the following only if you choose a punish method above 5 (oper commands):
set joinflood(ktype) 2
set joinflood(klmsg) "Join floods are not permissable on this network."
set joinflood(ktime) 0
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## 6 ## Botnet join flood.
lappend ap:udefs {ap:massjoin "9:3 mR-k join.flood 60"}
Any ideas on how to get it to unlock the channel after the specified time (in my case its 20 secs) ?<b0x> [13:20:25] Tcl error in script for 'timer31478':
<b0x> [13:20:25] couldn't compile regular expression pattern: quantifier operand invalid
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## 8 ## Advertising.
# NOTE: This protection also works for private advertising.
# Use .chanset #channel ap:adv + <btime> <pmeth> <btype> (to enable)
# set default value here: (+ enabled, - disabled)
lappend ap:udefs {ap:adv "+ 180 kb 2"}
# Set here the string you want to exempt (don't consider as spam):
# Note: %chan = current channel. Also, you can change these for every channel via DCC
# using the .ap:add command. (no wildcards used)
set adexempts(global) { %chan }
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[21:31] <F|irT> .ap:add adexempts #SuKooN hello
[21:31] <(monit0r> AP: Succesfully added hello to #sukoon adexempts list.
[22:05] <F|irT> .ap:add bwords #sukoon hello
[22:05] <(monit0r> AP: Succesfully added hello to #sukoon bwords list.
[22:06] <F|irT> .ap:add adwords #sukoon hello
[22:06] <(monit0r> AP: Succesfully added hello to #sukoon adwords list.
[22:11] <F|irT> .ap:add adexempts global hello
[22:11] <(monit0r> AP: Succesfully added hello to global adexempts list.
Code: Select all
[22:07] <F|irT> .ap:list adwords #sukoon
[22:07] <(monit0r> AP: #sukoon adwords list: hello
[22:08] <F|irT> .ap:list bwords #sukoon
[22:08] <(monit0r> AP: #sukoon bwords list: hello
[22:08] <F|irT> .ap:list adexempts #sukoon
[22:08] <(monit0r> AP: #sukoon adexempts list: hello,hi
Code: Select all
[22:11] <kamran`> hello
[22:11] <kamran`> hello
[22:11] <kamran`> hello
[22:11] * kamran` was kicked by monit0r (Text Repeat Usage. Banned (KiCk No:66))
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set adexempts(global) { %chan }
Code: Select all
# Bad chans kick message:
set bchan(kmsg) "Bad chan detected. $kckcount(form)"
Code: Select all
set kckcount(form) "(%rate) :: \[%date\] - Banned %btime minutes ·%kcount·"