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values from one bot to an other

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values from one bot to an other

Post by misterys »


just a new problem,

i have to give some values from one bot to an other bot, how can i do this?

except for bind msg oder bind notc...
sometimes it's working, sometimes not..

this doesnt work:

Code: Select all

bind msg - "lala_fleetlost" olala_niederlage
proc olala_niederlage { nick uhost handle keyword } { 
and the same stuff, just with other bind words is working in an other proc

is there an other way to give values from one bot to an other?
maybe with a botnet?

btw eggdrop 1.6.15 and tcl version: 8.3.3, i will upgrade to eggdrop 1.6.17 in a minute
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Post by ^DooM^ »

If your bots are linked you can pass information across using 'putbot'.
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