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-ban to file

Old posts that have not been replied to for several years.
Posts: 78
Joined: Thu Jul 01, 2004 10:24 pm

-ban to file

Post by mm »

Hi, is it possible if someone use .-ban command in the partyline so it can log who used the commnd, and whatever ban was removed to a file with the time stamps?

advance thanks
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Post by sKy »

It should be possible. This isn`t a real request? I tell you in short the steps:

Code: Select all

# see the bind and think about what you want to change, unbind / re bind
.tcl foreach bind [binds dcc] { putlog $bind }

# to see the variables with the proc need to be called type:
# .tcl *dcc:kickban
# Tcl error: wrong # args: should be "*dcc:kickban hand idx param"

# - your script -

# unbind
catch { unbind .........

# re bind
bind dcc - commandname new:procname

# proc for what you want
new:procname { hand idx param } {
 # check acess, whateever you want
 # logging stuff
 # and at least:
 *dcc:kickban $hand idx param
Btw, i have seen in the script archive something about this but never looked at them.
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Post by greenbear »

or you can use bind filt