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Notice Protection Script

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Notice Protection Script

Post by i_m_offline »

Hello Friends,

Sorrie for requesting you much but if I can get Notice Protection script with channel mode lock in it would be gr8. I want to use it on DALnet. I have tried using Noticepro.tcl but doesn't seems to be really nice. Working slow and banning *!* which is really bad. Thanks again mates.

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Re: Notice Protection Script

Post by YooHoo »

i_m_offline wrote:Sorrie for requesting you much but if I can get Notice Protection script with channel mode lock in it would be gr8. I want to use it on DALnet. I have tried using Noticepro.tcl but doesn't seems to be really nice. Working slow and banning *!* which is really bad. Thanks again mates.
It is far easier to alter an existing script than to write one from scratch, so after downloading and reading noticepro.tcl, my first thought was "why doesn't this guy edit his own scripts...?". You're chief complaint with noticepro.tcl seems to be the banmask the eggdrop uses to ban offenders... if you had read the script, you would have seen this at the top...:

Code: Select all

# Set the banmask type to use in banning the IPs  
# Currently BAN Type is set to 1 (*!*,
# BAN Types are given below;
# 1 - *!* 
# 2 - *!*@*
# 3 - *!*
# 4 - *!*ident@*
# 5 - *!*ident*
# 6 - *nick*!*@*
# 7 - *nick*!*
# 8 - nick!
# 9 - nick!ident@*
set npro_btype 1
simply change this variable to alter the way the bot bans, like #3 or #5. Hope this helps. :mrgreen:
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Post by Alchera »

Another little 'trick' is to add DALnet services to the bots user list with a global +f. I have found that will also prevent the bot ignoring services on connect when all the notices are sent to it.

Code: Select all

Natale HANDLE           PASS NOTES FLAGS           LAST
Natale DALnet           no      0 f              20 Jun (#channel)
Natale HOSTS: *!*
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