... Sorry, english isn't my native language, ... When one speaks from the heart, just as you are now, the meaning comes through crystal clear. In any and every language. Therefore, I don't think that I am alone here when I say: I hear you. Perfectly. Thank you. Best wishes to you and yours for a wo...
... i am right ? While I did post in that old thread, I like the method posted by Mysticales better. :) I believe that the link that I posted in this thread above, went directly to Mysticales post. I meant to, anyway. See the post in this thread by simo . Then, the real answer to this last question...
... proc msg_guess { nick chan host handle text number } { ... [/code] Compared to: https://docs.eggheads.org/using/tcl-commands.html ( text search down to find: bind pub ) where it says: 4. PUB bind pub <flags> <command> <proc> procname <nick> <user@host> <handle> <channel> <text> Aren't the param...
Just thinking ... Here's a couple things to play with. Just trying to gather more info about what is really happening. In partyline, do: .console +r This will switch on raw logging for you (owner) in the partyline. This must first be enabled in eggdrop.conf though (for owner). Now, you can see every...
It appears that you wish to ban a certain nick for a year. Eggdrop has - built-in - the ability to set a ban for a specified amount of time. For example, in the partyline, if you do: .+ban Some_nick_here!*.* #your_chan_here %1y0d0h0m Any comment you want to make goes here. the bot will create that b...
Ive always wondered if there is a proper way read from a large text file each time a nick joins on a busy channel or in the case of checking badwords each time some one types in a busy channel from A file with like 1000 or 2000 or more lines. I think that the AllProtection script does both of these...
I'm not sure of exactly everything that you are looking for, and what you want the final product to do for you. However, if you are trying to write your own tcl script to read from a text file, then this: https://forum.eggheads.org/viewtopic.php?t=6885 is VERY helpful. I've used the various info fou...
Hi, I am looking for a repeat kick script that would either mute, kick or ban a user from the channel for repeating more than 4 times in 30 seconds like this: Are you dead set on using a kick or ban? Because you have reminded me of something else, that may be suitable. https://forum.eggheads.org/vi...
This pastebin: http://paste.tclhelp.net/ has a "syntax check" function. Finds your mistakes for you. It can be VERY helpful. Unfortunately, the ability to post with password protection is broken. Has been, for a long time now. :( You can still post there, but you just can't make it private...
... I'm a newcomer to the world of Tcl scripting Welcome ! :) and excited to delve into this fascinating realm. It sure is. Any recommendations for beginner-friendly resources, tutorials, or best practices to kickstart my journey? Yep. :) This is old. No matter. It is still a nice tutorial. Takes t...
. For those that knew him from IRC: https://www.thurmanfuneral.com/obituaries/richard-fischer Spike^^^ was the former owner of this forum. And the TCL Archive, too. Not sure who owns the archive now... He was ALWAYS friendly, and most helpful, when contacted. He's helped me, many times. But perhaps ...