i actually modified it in the following way: if {[string match "*\{*" $nick] || [string match "*\}*" $nick] } { unontc $nick "Sorry $nick - you cannot join uno with this nick please use a nick that does not contain \002\{\}\002." return 0 } at least till someone does wh...
there's a problem in marky's color uno, where the script chokes on players with nicks containing { }.
Anyone has this fixed, or is willing to work on fixing it? am not finding much time to do that.
Hey all, is there a way to detect "(!) timer drift -- spun X minutes" i have a join flood protection script that i want to disable when this happens because it will mistake normal joins with floods. i have a lag check incorporated in the script, it works fine when the bot is lagging due to...
bind pub - !foo bar proc bar {nick uhost hand chan rest} { set file [open "txt_file_path" r] set data [split [read $file] "\n"] set line [lindex $data [rand [llength $data]]] putserv "privmsg $chan : $line" close $file } EDIT: Code fixed, thx Sir_Fz
i think you should declare check as global try it. bind time - * man ;# runs every minute proc man {m h d mo y} { global check set a [info exists check] set fs [open file.txt r] gets $fs line(first) close $fs if { $a == 1 } { if { $check != $line(first) } { putserv "PRIVMSG #channel1 :$line(fir...
try to replace: foreach e [split [::http::data $x] \n] { regsub -all {<([^<])*>} $e {} e puthelp "privmsg $c :$e" } with set e [lindex [split [::http::data $x] \n] 1] regsub -all {<([^<])*>} $e {} e puthelp "privmsg $c :$e" } i can't test it now, but i think it should work.[/quote]