Hello, I'm not sure about this problem, but this morning I saw that my bot got a strange vHost which I don't set as below: aron@whoisme.once.whoisme.twicer.rv.ua My question is how can I take this away? Usually my eggdrop connects to it's IP without any problems but now this. Is it anyone who know w...
Hello, Yes it did, and I've never experiensed this problem before. :) This is what I get: --07:38:47-- ftp://ftp.eggheads.org/pub/eggdrop/source/1.6/eggdrop1.6.19.tar.gz (try: 3) => `eggdrop1.6.19.tar.gz' Connecting to ftp.eggheads.org||:21... connected. Logging in as anonymous ... ==> S...
I'm on my way to upgrade from 1.6.18 to 1.6.19, but when I try to do this I get permission denied and the file wont download. Are there anything I possible do wrong. Everything went fine when I upgraded to 1.6.18.
I'm sorry, I didn't thought about it, but I had changed ident, which was different from the one I added myself with, but this is solved now and all work good. To you guys that answered so nicely, I'll say thank you for your help.
Hello, I'm quiet not sure what the problem can be, but after I have got the bot online on irc and in the rooms it should be, it has coming up a problem who I'm not able to resolve. Well, the problem is when I /dcc to the bot, it wont let me type in my password to access the party line, but just tell...
Hello, I've a question here that I not can make to figure out. I have installed my eggdrop and it run as it should, but I can't get it autooped in my channels. Is it anyone who can help me with what I need to do? I have read the manuals, but it seems I have done something wrong. :wink: Thanks in adv...
add the bot as AOP and .chanset #channel need-op putserv "nickserv identify password"; putserv "chanserv op #channel $botnick" Tried the command you showed me, but got the following message: Due to security concerns, only permanent owners can set these modes. I don't understand ...