set channel "#jonathan #michiluki" set time 3 set text { "hi" } if {[string compare [string index $time 0] "!"] == 0} { set timer [string range $time 1 end] } { set timer [expr $time * 60] } if {[lsearch -glob [utimers] "* go *"] == -1} { utimer $timer go } p...
yes, but i am slowly sick of being referred to tuts. whats a forum then for? can someone write it here? shouldnt be to hard to copy it out of your scripts. thanks
Hello, I´d like my eggdrop to say a certain message into a channel if an user writes a keyword. For instance he writes "hi "and the eggdrop says a certain message (like: hi, how are you?)
demond wrote:you don't have a loop by channels, which is curious, since you had that loop yesterday when you asked for timer help, and for some reason you have removed it
thanks, very helpful. Another question just bothers me, I made an advertisement script, but the bot only posts in the first set channel, not in all. set adchannel "#omfgnaps #jonathan" set adtime 1 set adtext { { ":: IAC :: Du suchst oder hast Accounts? :: Von WoW bis Steam? :: Von GW...
ok i made one but it doesnt work. whats wrong? set channel "#omfgnaps #spielersuche" set time 3 set text { "hi" } if {[string compare [string index $time 0] "!"] == 0} { set timer [string range $time 1 end] } { set timer [expr $time * 60] } if {[lsearch -glob [utimers] ...
Hi, all I want is a simple timer which puts a message in a channel every 2 minutes.
So the channel should be #jonathan
the message should be "hello"
and every 2 minutes.