Hello, Could anyone tell me if there are some solutions available what would enable to use mySQL database instead of Eggdrops userfile? I mean that eggdrop gets everything concerding the users from a mySQL database and saves everything there too + the old userfile system would be no longer used. I w...
I need some help about how to send eggdrops userfile by mail to a certain adress using crontab to do it. I tryed searching for it here and on the main page(remembered that it was here somewhere) but I didn't find anything.
Thank you Sir_Fz, the script seems to work just fine but would it be really hard to make it add these lines to a certain mySQL table?
The point is I just realized that it's very goddamn hard to edit a text file through PHP
Okay, first of all, I don't know anything about TCL :) and because of that i am requesting a simple (it seems simple to a guy who knows TCL) script that must do the following: When a user, named, for example "Uberpwner1", in certain channel writes "!banrequest Somenick http://someimag...