Okay, first of all, I don't know anything about TCL and because of that i am requesting a simple (it seems simple to a guy who knows TCL) script that must do the following:
When a user, named, for example "Uberpwner1", in certain channel writes "!banrequest Somenick http://someimagefileontheinternet.png A short comment" the bot adds a new line to some certain file. For example, a file banrequests.txt would get a line like this:
"Uberpwner1|Somenick|http://someimagefileontheinternet.png|A short comment|Currenttime"
And that would pretty much be it, that would be the MUST HAVE section
But also it would be very appreciated if the output file contained writers and Somenicks host and after they write that !banrequest line, there would be somekind of a feedback line msgd to them.
And one other appreciated feature would be that the script will announce "new request" or smth like that on a different channel.