doesn't work :( Tcl error [delban]: wrong # args: should be "regsub ?switches? exp string subSpec varName" Entered the command exactly like you said, only changed the variable names: set maskedString [regsub -all -- {\*|!} $mask {\\\0}] also tried with just "{\*}" as expression b...
Hi, I'm keeping the channels banlist in a text file but got a problem removing the entries from that file as I can't figure out how to escape the asterisks. sed expects every "*" and "!" to be escaped like "\*" and "\!" What's the easiest way to replace _every...
that doesn't work either. while there's no error in console now the file is simply not changed, it's like awk didn't run at all. example "bans-chan.txt": ); ?> example tcl: set awk [list awk -f alfa.awk -v was=");" bans-chan.txt >bans-chan-tmp.txt] eval exec $awk the awk command ...
Hi, I need a tcl to start awk like this: awk -f alfa.awk -v was="array('$mask'" bans-$chan.txt >bans-$chan-tmp.txt But when I put it in my script (after exec) like that it complains about "extra characters after close-quote" If I escape them (\") I get: Invalid command name ...
thanks guys. I had already tried that method before but due to an error later in the script the $tnick wouldn't be picked up (strangely it was when I had set it manually, that's why I didn't figure it at first)
seriously, I already played ages with those commands and couldn't figure it out. if you want to help me please do so, but don't make me look like someone who doesn't rtfm!
Hi, I've got an array that's populated using set players($nick) 1 , the "1" there is increased depending on certain events later. Now my problem: I want to select a random item (= nick) from the $players array, but I can't figure out how to do it. set tnick [lindex $players [rand [llength ...
Hi, since I updated to 1.6.18 all the ops text doesn't appear in log anymore Anything normal users say is there, but not a single line of any user with +v, +h, +o, +a or +q. some eggdrop.conf lines: set logfile-suffix ".%Y%m%d" logfile pkj #chan "/home/username/eggdrop/logs/chan.log&q...
i tried you tcl array solution, but i don't really get it counterdata.tcl: array set counter {nick 123 anothernick 456} the normal tcl: bind msg n !trigger increasecounter proc increasecounter {nick uhost hand text} { source counterdata.tcl foreach counter nickn { set counter($nickn) } savearray cou...
just had the idea of writing and deleting the lines like this, but i'd still need a way to read a) certain entries (to get the old value) and b) all values (to print stats like "nick: 123, anothernick: 456" to channel. if someone could please give me a hint on how to do that.. :) exec echo...