is it possible to store counters for multiple persons in one file?
I know how to do it for one file per person, but having just one file would be somewhat nicer. I imagine the file looking like this:
just had the idea of writing and deleting the lines like this, but i'd still need a way to read a) certain entries (to get the old value) and b) all values (to print stats like "nick: 123, anothernick: 456" to channel. if someone could please give me a hint on how to do that..
as it's been pointed out countless times already, you should read the entire file, once only, on script's startup, into a list; then manipulate that list as you wish, typically on events that your script handles; save the list periodically into a file
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# this proc will save an array as tcl code that will create the array when executed
proc savearray {array file {mode w}} {
upvar 1 $array var
set f [open $file $mode]
# the file will be empty if no array by that name exists.
if {[array exists var]} {
puts $f [list array set $array [array get var]]
close $f
# create some elements
set counter(nick) 123
set counter(anothernick) 456
# save them:
savearray counter counterdata.tcl
# load them back in:
source counterdata.tcl
The concept is identical to the code demond provided, except the array is stored as tcl code instead of storing list elements as lines in the file.
bind msg n !trigger increasecounter
proc increasecounter {nick uhost hand text} {
source counterdata.tcl
foreach counter nickn {
set counter($nickn)
savearray counter counterdata.tcl
# debug line
putserv "PRIVMSG $nick :$counter(nick)"
proc savearray {array file {mode w}} {
upvar 1 $array var
set f [open $file $mode]
# the file will be empty if no array by that name exists.
if {[array exists var]} {
puts $f [list array set $array [array get var]]
close $f
I just don't get how/where to put the array data in normal strings and increase one of them. Would be nice if you could point out what I have to do.
BCyo+8C4 wrote:I just don't get how/where to put the array data in normal strings and increase one of them. Would be nice if you could point out what I have to do.
There is (like demond said) no need to read/parse the file every time you want to access the data. Just load it ONCE on startup and keep the data in a global variable. Then, on a regular interval OR when you make changes (if you need the file to match the actual data at all times) save it.
# load the data if it exists
if {[file exists counterdata.tcl]} {
source counterdata.tcl
# saving it when ever the userfile/channel file is saved:
bind evnt - save saveCounters
proc saveCounters x {
global counter
savearray counter counterdata.tcl
# /msg bot !incall will increase ALL counters by 3
bind msg - !incall incallcounters
proc incallcounters {nick uhost hand text} {
global counter
foreach cnick [array names counter] {
incr counter($cnick) 3
# /msg bot !incme will increase YOUR counter by 1 and display the new value
bind msg - !incme incyourcounter
proc incyourcounter {nick uhost hand text} {
global counter
# first, make sure there is a counter element for that nick...
if {[info exists counter($nick)]} {
incr counter($nick)
} else {
# if it doesn't exist, create it...
set counter($nick) 1
puthelp "PRIVMSG $nick :Your new count is $counter($nick)"