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Search found 60 matches

by Riddler
Mon Jun 18, 2007 6:00 pm
Forum: Script Support & Releases
Topic: Question about a tcl:
Replies: 7
Views: 5516

Yes, I did search on for op.tcl ( a lates version ) but all the result point to some old versions ( some with errors :? ) Here are some of the links I`ve found: and this
by Riddler
Mon Jun 18, 2007 7:32 am
Forum: Script Support & Releases
Topic: Question about a tcl:
Replies: 7
Views: 5516

Question about a tcl:

hello guys/girls... I was wondering if some of you have a latest version of op.tcl ( made by smart ) ....My current version of it is 3.6...
If somebody has a link I will gladly appreciate if it will post a reply with it :wink: Thanks :P
by Riddler
Mon Jun 18, 2007 6:40 am
Forum: Scripting Help
Topic: Help with a command code (!day):
Replies: 22
Views: 12006

nobody has any suggestion/ideas in how to make this script work... :shock: :?: :!:
I only need to make it work for 2 diferent flag users...the rest of the script I`ll do it myself. :roll:
by Riddler
Sun Jun 17, 2007 12:43 am
Forum: Scripting Help
Topic: Help with a command code (!day):
Replies: 22
Views: 12006

Help with a command code (!day):

Hello guys... I need some help again ... I`m trying to make a little code that will work with a pub command...something like this: ----- For Channel Managers: <@Manager1> !day -|Eggdrop- SYNTAX: !day <??> <nick|*!*@host> [reason] ----- For : <@Admin1> !day -|Eggdrop- SYNTAX: !day <1-100> <nick|*!*@h...
by Riddler
Sat Jun 16, 2007 7:07 pm
Forum: Scripting Help
Topic: [SOLVED] Question about the bantype "BLACKLIST"
Replies: 5
Views: 3699

OK.. So I`ve added this code for the blacklist-ban: newchanban $chan $blhost blacklist "($hand) (BLACKLISTED) $reason" 0 and newignore $blhost blacklist "($hand) (BLACKLISTED) $reason" 0 and when I`ve tested the script, the results are: <@me> .black *!*@ lol * |Learn set...
by Riddler
Sat Jun 16, 2007 6:31 pm
Forum: Scripting Help
Topic: [SOLVED] Question about the bantype "BLACKLIST"
Replies: 5
Views: 3699

Read about [newban] and [newchanban] in Tcl-commands.doc (in your eggdrop's /doc directory). One is for global bans and the other is for channel-specific bans. here is are the commands. newchanban <channel> <ban> <creator> <comment> [lifetime] [options] Description: adds a ban to the ban li...
by Riddler
Thu Jun 14, 2007 11:00 pm
Forum: Scripting Help
Topic: [SOLVED] Question about the bantype "BLACKLIST"
Replies: 5
Views: 3699

[SOLVED] Question about the bantype "BLACKLIST"

Hello guys, I have a little question ... I want to make a blacklist ban command ( someting like .black <nick | *!*@host> [reason] ) and I don`t know what eggdrop command to use... newban or newchanban (without setting a ban time) the result will be something like this: <me> .black *!*test*@* * |Eggd...
by Riddler
Thu Jun 14, 2007 10:26 pm
Forum: Scripting Help
Topic: [SOLVED] Ban code error
Replies: 10
Views: 5969

Thanks Sir_Fz :D 8) The script works great now :P
by Riddler
Mon Jun 11, 2007 9:05 pm
Forum: Scripting Help
Topic: [SOLVED] Ban code error
Replies: 10
Views: 5969

Sir_Fz wrote:Use [nick2hand $bnick] to get the handle of $bnick (read about it in tcl-commands.doc).
Ok ...let`s see if this idea will work...

Code: Select all

set drhost [nick2hand $drnick]
if {![matchattr $drhost n|MASDTOVU $chan] || [isop $drnick $chan] || [isvoice $drnick $chan] || ![matchattr $drhost b]} {
by Riddler
Mon Jun 11, 2007 6:51 pm
Forum: Scripting Help
Topic: [SOLVED] Ban code error
Replies: 10
Views: 5969

Ok, done, fixed the bug, it works...thanks Sir_Fz 8) (again :D ) A little problem remains... and that is were/how do you I put the excepts code for ops,voiced and users that have access to the bot ( by the level n|MASDTOV ) so that they don`t get ban by the bot ... On other scripts ( protection type...
by Riddler
Mon Jun 11, 2007 1:09 pm
Forum: Scripting Help
Topic: [SOLVED] Ban code error
Replies: 10
Views: 5969

<|EGG> [16:48] Tcl error [s:b]: invalid option 1440 (must be one of: sticky, none) ...the bot dosen`t do nothing... :( That means you're using an invalid switch with the newchanban command. Ok, I understand this, but if I change the newchanban command to this newchanban $chan $bhost ban $dj(br) $dj...
by Riddler
Mon Jun 11, 2007 11:05 am
Forum: Scripting Help
Topic: [SOLVED] Ban code error
Replies: 10
Views: 5969

Thank Sir_Fz... Ok the code with the changes: proc s:b {nick uhost hand chan text} { global botnick dj if {[channel get $chan djtools] && ![isbotnick $nick]} { if {[matchattr $hand n|MASDTO $chan] || [string tolower $chan]} { set bnick [lindex [split $text] 0] set bhost "*!*@[lindex [sp...
by Riddler
Sun Jun 10, 2007 10:05 pm
Forum: Scripting Help
Topic: [SOLVED] Ban code error
Replies: 10
Views: 5969

[SOLVED] Ban code error

Hello all, I need some help form you guys...if posibile . I have a tried to code a ban script and also I`m working one a blacklist script and I`m geting some errors: The code: # ban.tcl # Set here reason and bantime in minutes for bans set dj(br) "Banned!" set dj(bt) 1440 # Activate ban ti...
by Riddler
Sun Jun 10, 2007 9:06 pm
Forum: Scripting Help
Topic: [SOLVED] A little UserMRG.tcl script...
Replies: 18
Views: 13044

Skip the string-match completely, and just test wether deleting the host works or not? Thank you :D :D works but it was not necessary to remove the string-match...I`ve replaced the {![string match -nocase $dhost $dhuser]} { with your suggestion .. {![delhost $dhuser $dhost]} { and the scripts ...
by Riddler
Sun Jun 10, 2007 6:40 pm
Forum: Scripting Help
Topic: [SOLVED] A little UserMRG.tcl script...
Replies: 18
Views: 13044

Easiest, I'd guess, would just to use delhost, and test the returncode to see wether the hostmask was successfully removed... delhost <handle> <hostmask> Description: deletes a hostmask from a user's host list Returns: 1 on success; 0 if the hostmask (or user) doesn't exist Module: core Well I`ve t...