Hello, I need a simple tcl to change topic (the topics are present in a file) automatically every 6 hours. Can you help me? It's very important. Thanks a lot
meteo-0.2.tcl for eggdrop (05/11/2002) # by elf- at #egghelp on AzzurraNet (irc.azzurra.org) # # per attivare lo script è necessario impostare il flag +meteo al canale (.chanset #chan +meteo) set meteo_version 0.2 bind pub - !meteo meteo:request setudef flag meteo package require http http::config ...
##################################################################### #PLEASE customise the settings before rehashing your bot! # ###################################################################### # The full path to the file containing the questions and answers. # The account the bot runs on mu...
After doing this change, have you rehashed the bot? putdcc -raw 0 [string length $str] $str Error: Tcl error [ansa:request]: wrong # args: should be "putdcc idx text ?o ptions?" putnow 0 [string length $str] $str Error: Tcl error [ansa:request]: wrong # args: should be "putnow text ?...
### GLOBALS ### set ansa(version) "3.1" set ansa(url) "http://www.ansa.it/main/notizie/awnplus/^RUBRICA/synd/ansait_awnplus_^RUBRICA_medsynd_Today_Idx.xml" set ansa(timeout) 5000 ### Percorso di salvataggio dei Database delle news (la directory deve esistere) set ansa(filepath) ...
I found online boggle.tcl but it's encrypted and in French language. I need the original version without encrypt for modifying it. There 's anyone who knows where can I find it? Thanks