Have you issued .chanset #channel +google on your bots partyline yet? This is the scripts on/off switch for each channel. Otherwise it runs silent and will only work in PM, as you've obviously noticed already. When enabled for any channel, it will still always work in PM too. This is a feature, not a bug.
thx for the update, cant get define or spell working as it was before tho where it would give the results in teh channel, its just providing a link, usually to wiki
version conflict for package "http": have 2.5.001, need 2.5.3
while executing
"package require http 2.5.3"
(file "scripts/incith-google.tcl" line 1258)
I am running eggdrop v1.6.18, on FreeBSD 7.4-RELEASE-pX.
Not really atleast not for the whole script i loaded myself the script and i to don`t have TLS package installed (this means as i know the bot wont be able to read https:// pages) and i did the following think
package require http 2.5.3
package require http
Before the modification i used !torrent names and it didnt worked... i modifyed that because i know servers have different http packages and seting it to "package require http" and not including the version works 80% of the cases.
So the script works with what i did
Also don`t forget to activate the script (.chanset #channel +google) from dcc chat if you didnt done that in the first place activate the script and re-test the script and don`t do what i did
Last edited by Madalin on Mon Jan 28, 2013 5:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.