I got the following script, I'd like someone to help me to put something in plus, for example, when i type, !Register <channel> <nick>, give the bot join the channel and to say "Status channel. .. please stand by .. "then give its cycle time, and say on channel then "!seen a" and if another bot responds like "i dont remember seen a" then the bot give an reply to chan and say "Channel Status: Rejected" and the bot purge that channel, and leave. I would appreciate if you help me!
bind pub m|- !register pub:register
proc pub:register {nick uhost hand chan txt} {
if {[llength $txt] != 2} {
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :$nick folosire !register <#channel> <nick>"
foreach {channel owner} [split $txt] {
if {[validchan $channel]} {
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :I'm already monitoring $chan channel. Registration had been stoped."
channel add $channel
chattr $hand -|+Nnf $channel
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :this $channel was accepted by $hand and gives manager atributes on $channel on $owner"
putserv "PRIVMSG $channel :Channel STATUS...."
putserv "PRIVMSG $channel :!seen a"
putserv "PRIVMSG $channel :Status Channel: accepted by $hand, don't forget $owner if u do any abuse i will leave the channel."
Modified.. weird because i tested this yet i think i wanted to do something more complex and i got back to the standard version and forgot to modify the old var's.
The script should be ok now
Thats why users who request must test the script so that if i/we make something wrong the script should be corrected