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REQ: Small Modification of Bartender Script

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REQ: Small Modification of Bartender Script

Post by achilles1900 »

Hello Egghelp Community,

I have a bartender script that i would like to be slightly modified.

Basically, i would like only people who are currently opped or voiced to be able to use the trigger.

It would be fantastic if you could add some scripting where i can select either channels ops or channel voiced or everybody who can use the trigger
e.g. 'users able to access trigger 1. only ops
2. ops & voices
3. Everyone

Currently the script allows anyone to use it and people have been abusing it, spamming and such. Would be a great help to us if you TCL Gurus can come to our aid. Also any modifications you see fit would be welcome too.

I thank you all in advance and please find the script below (i included only the first part and a drink)
best regards,

Code: Select all

# Trigger

set cmdz "!"


bind pub - ${cmdz}booze pub_booze

proc pub_booze {nick uhost hand channel arg} {
  global botnick cmdz
    putquick "PRIVMSG $nick :1,13Bars Open! Heres what we got for ya:"
    putquick "PRIVMSG $nick :------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
    putquick "PRIVMSG $nick :13,1${cmdz}Corona, ${cmdz}vodka"
    putquick "PRIVMSG $nick :------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
    return 0

##############Start of the drinks#################

proc pub_corona {nick uhost hand channel arg} { 
  global botnick 
  set theNick $nick
  if { [llength $arg] == 1 } {
    set theNick [lindex [split $arg] 0]
    putserv "PRIVMSG $channel :\001ACTION snaps off the top of a long-necked, ice cold Corona, slips in a slice of lime and hands it to you....enjoy mate"
    return 0        
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Post by Madalin »

You only have to change
set temp(type) "1"
1 = only voices
2 = only ops
3 = everyone

Code: Select all

### temp(type) "1" (only voice users can use the command)
### temp(type) "2" (only op users can use the command)
### temp(type) "3" (everyone can use the command)

# Trigger

set cmdz "!"


bind pub - ${cmdz}booze pub_booze

set temp(type) "1"

proc pub_booze {nick uhost hand channel arg} {
	global botnick cmdz temp

	if {$temp(type) == "1"} {
		if {[isvoice $nick $channel]} {
			putquick "PRIVMSG $nick :1,13Bars Open! Heres what we got for ya:"
			putquick "PRIVMSG $nick :------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
			putquick "PRIVMSG $nick :13,1${cmdz}Corona, ${cmdz}vodka"
			putquick "PRIVMSG $nick :------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
			return 0
	} elseif {$temp(type) == "2"} {
		if {[isop $nick $channel]} {
			putquick "PRIVMSG $nick :1,13Bars Open! Heres what we got for ya:"
			putquick "PRIVMSG $nick :------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
			putquick "PRIVMSG $nick :13,1${cmdz}Corona, ${cmdz}vodka"
			putquick "PRIVMSG $nick :------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
			return 0
	} elseif {$temp(type) == "2"} {
		putquick "PRIVMSG $nick :1,13Bars Open! Heres what we got for ya:"
		putquick "PRIVMSG $nick :------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
		putquick "PRIVMSG $nick :13,1${cmdz}Corona, ${cmdz}vodka"
		putquick "PRIVMSG $nick :------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
		return 0

##############Start of the drinks#################

proc pub_corona {nick uhost hand channel arg} {
	global botnick temp

	if {$temp(type) == "1"} {
		if {[isvoice $nick $channel]} {
			set theNick $nick
			if { [llength $arg] == 1 } {
				set theNick [lindex [split $arg] 0]
			putserv "PRIVMSG $channel :\001ACTION snaps off the top of a long-necked, ice cold Corona, slips in a slice of lime and hands it to you....enjoy mate"
			return 0
	} elseif {$temp(type) == "2"} {
		if {[isop $nick $channel]} {
			set theNick $nick
			if { [llength $arg] == 1 } {
				set theNick [lindex [split $arg] 0]
			putserv "PRIVMSG $channel :\001ACTION snaps off the top of a long-necked, ice cold Corona, slips in a slice of lime and hands it to you....enjoy mate"
			return 0
	} elseif {$temp(type) == "3"} {
		set theNick $nick
		if { [llength $arg] == 1 } {
			set theNick [lindex [split $arg] 0]
		putserv "PRIVMSG $channel :\001ACTION snaps off the top of a long-necked, ice cold Corona, slips in a slice of lime and hands it to you....enjoy mate"
		return 0
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Post by caesar »

Here's my attempt to do this:

Code: Select all

dict set drinks "beer" "snaps off the top of a long-necked, ice cold Corona, slips in a slice of lime and hands it to you....enjoy mate"
dict set drinks "vodka" "here you go, knock yourself out!"
dict set drinks "tea" "I'm out  of tea, sorry.."

# 0 - everyone, 1 - currently opped or voiced
setudef int serving

bind pubm * "% !*" drink:order
bind pub * !drinks drink:menu

proc drink:order {nick uhost hand chan text} {
	set drink [lindex [split $text !] 1]
	if {[channel get $chan serving]} {
		if {[isop $nick $chan] || [isvoice $nick $chan]} {
			drink:serve $nick $chan $drink
	} else {
		drink:serve $nick $chan $drink

proc drink:serve {nick chan drink} {
	global drinks
	if {[string length $drink]} {
		if {[lsearch -nocase [dict keys $drinks] $drink] != -1} {
			puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan :[dict get $drinks $drink]"

proc drink:menu {nick uhost hand chan text} {
	if {[channel get $chan serving]} {
		if {[isop $nick $chan] || [isvoice $nick $chan]} {
			drink:fetch $nick $chan
	} else {
		drink:fetch $nick $chan

proc drink:fetch {nick chan} {
	puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan :Drinks currently available: [join [dict keys $::drinks] ", "]"
Feel free to add \001ACTION or whatever you wish.

Edit: Fixed. Damn typo.. :)
Last edited by caesar on Fri Feb 01, 2013 3:29 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by Madalin »

Heh :) ive modifyed its code if i was to create another one it was smaller of course :P
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Post by speechles »

Code: Select all

# Tcl 8.4 friendly version .. 8)
# credit: caesar
# enable: .chanset #chan +serving

# Amount of drinks each person may
# request in a certain amount of time
# 3:30 means 3 drinks in 30 seconds
# the 4th is throttled until 30 seconds has
# elapsed from their first drink.
set drinkThrottle 3:30

# about the array:
# %nick will become $nick (the nickname)
# %chan will become $chan (the channel)
# \n will make the output span onto a new line.
array set drinks {
 corona "\001ACTION snaps off the top of a long-necked, ice cold Corona, slips in a slice of lime and hands it to %nick\001\nEnjoy mate."
 coors "\001ACTION pisses in a mug then slides it down the bar to %nick.\001\nDrink up %nick!"
 bud "Um...%nick, we don't serve that in %chan...\nTry a gay bar.. haw!"
 vodka "here you go %nick, knock yourself out!\n\001ACTION slides a shot down the bar to %nick.\001"
 tea "I'm out of tea, sorry %nick..\nOh wait, I do have tea.\nWait, no I don't.. :P"
 tip "%nick better follow the rules in %chan.\nOr does %nick want a nice kickban instead?"

setudef flag serving

bind pubm - "% !*" drink:order
bind pub - !drinks drink:menu

proc drink:order {nick uhost hand chan text} {
   if {[channel get $chan serving]} {
  	foreach {drink type} [split $text] { break }
      if {[isop $nick $chan] || [isvoice $nick $chan]} {
         drink:serve $nick $uhost $chan [string range $drink 1 end] $type

proc drink:serve {nick uhost chan drink type} {
   global drinks
   if {[string length $drink]} {
      foreach name [array names drinks] { lappend lowerDrinks [string tolower $name] }
      if {[lsearch -exact $lowerDrinks $drink] != -1} {
         if {[set wait [throttle_ $uhost,$chan,drink [lindex $::drinkThrottle 1] [lindex $::drinkThrottle 0)]]] != 0} {
            putserv "privmsg $chan :$nick, please wait [lindex $wait 0] seconds for your next drink. You are above the drink request limit by [expr {[lindex $wait 1] - $::drinkAmount}] at the moment. Slow down..."
         } else {
            if {[string length $type] && [onchan $type $chan]} { set nick $type }
            foreach line [split $drinks($drink) \n] {
               puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan :[string map [list %chan $chan %nick $nick] $line]"

proc drink:menu {nick uhost hand chan text} {
   if {[channel get $chan serving]} {
      if {[isop $nick $chan] || [isvoice $nick $chan]} {
         drink:fetch $nick $chan
   } else {
      drink:fetch $nick $chan

proc drink:fetch {nick chan} {
   global drinks
   puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan :Drinks currently available: ![join [array names drinks] ", !"]"

# Throttle Proc (slightly altered, super action missles) - Thanks to user
# see this post:
proc throttle_ {id seconds amount} {
   if {[info exists ::throttled_($id)]&&[lindex $::throttled_($id) 0]>[clock seconds]} {
      set ::throttled_($id) [list [lindex $::throttled_($id) 0] [set value [expr {[lindex $::throttled_($id) 1] +1}]]]
      if {$value > $amount} { set id ::throttled_($id) } { set id 0 }
   } {
      set ::throttled_($id) [list [expr {[clock seconds]+$seconds}] 1]
      set id 0
# delete expired entries every 10 minutes
bind time - ?0* throttleclean_ 
# sub - clean throttled users
proc throttleclean_ {args} {
   set now [clock seconds]
   foreach {id time} [array get ::throttled_] {
      if {[lindex $time 0]<=$now} {unset ::throttled_($id)}
Modified post above from original. Since the script was corrected, here is a tcl8.4 friendly version of the same script. Also added a throttle system that will keep users from abusing and at the same time amusing.

Improved and added proactive throttle control.

Added ability to match intent of OP's original script:
!corona - the nick issuing !corona gets one.. yay
!corona <nick> - the nickname typed gets a corona if they are in channel otherwise the person typing it will.
Last edited by speechles on Fri Feb 01, 2013 7:54 pm, edited 30 times in total.
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Post by caesar »

meh.. was working with string map on another script and accidentally slipped it in instead of a simple join. :roll:

no, according to dict manual example I don't need to add
  • . and no. i intended to make serving an int as 0 means everyone and 1 only currently oped or voiced, and somehow after some tests ended with str.
Once the game is over, the king and the pawn go back in the same box.
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