x0x wrote:Ups! I see these errors on the bot console
[20:59:41] Tcl error in script for 'timer19':
[20:59:41] can't read "instance(#MYCHANNELglobal)": no such element in array
Indeed, it's the odd shimmering effect rampant in this script it causes problems.. I've hopefully fixed the issue you were having with the timers. If not, shout out again.
Correct. I want my normal users to be able to !randquote, !quote, !quoteinfo with the script above. Now all commands are channel ops only. How to change this?
I am running speechles's Attempt x3 Version and just found an error.
Short description:
If you do !findquote in any channel other then the one the quote was added in, the command don't work.
Long description:
If I do in a different channel: !findquote #channel <search arguments>
I am getting:
[17:23:40] Tcl error [pubqsys::findquote]: no such channel record <-- In DCC Chat
If I do in a different channel: !findquote -all <search arguments>
I get no error but I don't get a reply from the bot.
If I do in a different channel: !findquote #channel
I am getting:
[6:29pm] <BotNick> ::: Error : Empty database. <-- In Channel
All other commands seem to work fine in a different channel then the quote was added and the bot finds the channel record
!quote 1 #channel works
!randquote #channel works
NOTE: I already edited It's line 793
Thanks for any help fixing the issue
Edit/Update: I removed speechles's Attempt x3 Version and replaced it with the original one from the Archives and now everything works with no errors.