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spam script

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Posts: 13
Joined: Thu Apr 26, 2012 9:09 pm

spam script

Post by Zecca93 »

Hey, i have a code for spamming. Bot will stay on op chan and will cycle on other chans, when someone sends him on join http, www he will send msg on op channel.

Code: Select all

##### 23.08.03
# Spam Detective v1.0 by MarlbMan
# #complete-chat
# Detects on join/on part spam in one channel, and alerts in another channel.
# Credits: I got the idea from Torr/MC_8's Spam Check. I wanted a script that would
#          join/part a channel at specified intervals, but instead of kicking/banning
#          I wanted it to alert the ops in another channel. This is my 5th script, but
#          the first I've made public. Critism is welcome. I will be releasing a few
#          more very soon.
# Settings:

# Which channel shall we monitor for spam?
set spamdet(monitor_chan) "#"
# Which channel shall we posts alerts in?
set spamdet(alert_chan) "#"
# How many minutes shall we idle in channel?
set spamdet(idle_time) "15"
# How many seconds shall we stay gone?
set spamdet(gone_time) "30"
# Exempt by nick (seperate by ,)
set spamdet(nexempt) "ChanServ"
# Exempt by host (seperate by ,)
set spamdet(hexempt) ""
# CTCP Keys to ignore (should always include action to prevent actions being reported)
set spamdet(kexempt) "ACTION"

# Code (If you edit below this line you will hemmorage uncontrollably from your rectum)
set spamdet(ver) "1.0"
if {![string match *spamdetect* [timers]]} {timer $spamdet(idle_time) spamdetect}

proc spamdetect {} {
global spamdet botnick
channel set $spamdet(monitor_chan) +inactive
utimer $spamdet(gone_time) "channel set $spamdet(monitor_chan) -inactive"
if {![string match *spamdetect* [timers]]} {timer $spamdet(idle_time) spamdetect}

proc EchoMESG { nick uhost handle args } {
global spamdet
if {![string match *$nick* $spamdet(nexempt)]} {
if {![string match *$uhost* $spamdet(hexempt)]} {
putserv "PRIVMSG $spamdet(alert_chan) :------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
putserv "PRIVMSG $spamdet(alert_chan) :Nickname:\002 $nick \002($uhost): Channels: Type: \002MSG\002"
putserv "PRIVMSG $spamdet(alert_chan) :Text:\002 $args \002"
putserv "PRIVMSG $spamdet(alert_chan) :$nick spammed times"
putserv "PRIVMSG $spamdet(alert_chan) :------------------------------------------------------------------------------"


proc EchoNOTC { nick uhost handle args target } {
global spamdet
if {![string match *$nick* $spamdet(nexempt)]} {
if {![string match *$uhost* $spamdet(hexempt)]} {
putserv "PRIVMSG $spamdet(alert_chan) :------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
putserv "PRIVMSG $spamdet(alert_chan) :Nickname:\002 $nick \002($uhost): Channels: Type: \002NOTICE\002"
putserv "PRIVMSG $spamdet(alert_chan) :Text:\002 $args \002"
putserv "PRIVMSG $spamdet(alert_chan) :$nick spammed times"
putserv "PRIVMSG $spamdet(alert_chan) :------------------------------------------------------------------------------"

proc EchoCTCP { nick uhost handle target key args } {
global spamdet
if {![string match *$nick* $spamdet(nexempt)]} {
if {![string match *$uhost* $spamdet(hexempt)]} {
if {![string match *$key* $spamdet(kexempt)]} {
putserv "PRIVMSG $spamdet(alert_chan) :------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
putserv "PRIVMSG $spamdet(alert_chan) :Nickname:\002 $nick \002($uhost): Channels: Type: \002CTCP\002"
putserv "PRIVMSG $spamdet(alert_chan) :Text:\002 $args \002"
putserv "PRIVMSG $spamdet(alert_chan) :$nick spammed times"
putserv "PRIVMSG $spamdet(alert_chan) :------------------------------------------------------------------------------"

bind ctcp -|- *http* EchoCTCP
bind notc -|- *http* EchoNOTC
bind msgm -|- *http* EchoMESG
bind ctcp -|- *www.* EchoCTCP
bind notc -|- *www.* EchoNOTC
bind msgm -|- *www.* EchoMESG

putlog "Spam Detective v1.0 by MarlbMan loaded"
My question is how can i make it for multiple channels and how can i add how many times nick spammed if its a same msg here: :$nick spammed times" because of flood.
And how can i add channels that nick is on here: Nickname:\002 $nick \002($uhost): Channels: Type: \002CTCP\002"

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