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Simple editing required.

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Simple editing required.

Post by gamble27 »

Code: Select all

namespace eval MassKick { 

  # self explanatory 
  set mass(limit) "1:5" 
  set memo(mass) "MSG" 
  set memo(bot) "MSG" 

  # don't count or do anything to people with local/global friend flag or whatever you wish 
  set mass(friends) "f|f" 

  # don't edit below this line 
  setudef flag massKick 
  setudef str massKicker 
  setudef str massCount 

  # binds 
  bind kick * * [namespace current]::kicked 
  bind part - * [namespace current]::remove 
  bind sign - * [namespace current]::remove 
  bind nick - * [namespace current]::nickCh 

  # AOP removal and memo 
  proc takeAction {chan nick pos} { 
    dropAOP $chan $nick "1" 
    doThis "2" $chan $nick $pos 

  # bot kicked 
  proc botKicked {chan nick} { 
    dropAOP $chan $nick "2" 
    resetChan $chan 

  # reset 
  proc resetChan {chan} { 
    channel set $chan massKicker {} 
    channel set $chan massCount {} 

  # remove AOP, deop and send memo 
  proc dropAOP {chan nick act} { 
    variable memo 
    switch -- $act { 
      "1" { 
        set message [string map -nocase [list "%chan" "$chan" "%nick" "$nick"] $memo(mass)] 
      "2" { 
        set message [string map -nocase [list "%chan" "$chan" "%nick" "$nick"] $memo(bot)] 
    putserv "Chanserv aop $chan del $nick" 
    putserv "Chanserv deop $chan $nick"
    putserv "Memoserv sendsop $chan $message" 

  # triggers: 
  # 1 - add, 2 - remove, 3 - replace nick, 4 - replace count 
  proc doThis {act chan nick {pos ""} {count ""} {newNick ""}} { 
    set massKicker [channel get $chan massKicker] 
    set massCount [channel get $chan massCount] 
    switch -- $act { 
      "1" { 
        lappend massKicker $nick 
        lappend massCount 1 
      "2" { 
        set massKicker [lreplace $massKicker $pos $pos] 
        set massCount [lreplace $massCount $pos $pos] 
      "3" { 
        set massKicker [lreplace $massKicker $pos $pos $newNick] 
      "4" { 
        set massCount [lreplace $massCount $pos $pos $count] 
    channel set $chan massKicker $massKicker 
    channel set $chan massCount $massCount 

  # triggers: 
  # 1 - part & sign, 2 - nick change 
  proc eventThis {event chan nick {newNick ""}} { 
    set massKicker [channel get $chan massKicker] 
    if {$nick ni $massKicker} return 
    set pos [lsearch $massKicker $nick] 
    switch -- $event { 
      "1" { 
        doThis "2" $chan $nick $pos 
      "2" { 
        doThis "3" $chan $nick $pos "0" $newNick    

  # part & sign 
  proc remove {nick uhost handle chan {text ""}} { 
    if {![channel get $chan massKick]} return 
    if {[isbotnick $nick]} { 
      resetChan $chan 
      } else { 
      eventThis "1" $chan $nick 

  # nick 
  proc nickCh {nick uhost handle chan newnick} { 
    if {![channel get $chan massKick]} return 
    if {[isbotnick $nick]} return 
    eventThis "2" $chan $nick $newNick 

  # kick 
  proc kicked {nick uhost hand chan target reason} { 
    if {![channel get $chan massKick]} return 
    variable mass 
    if {[matchattr $hand $mass(friends) $chan]} return 
    if {[isbotnick $nick]} return 
    if {$nick eq "Chanserv"} return 
    if {[isbotnick $target]} { 
      botKicked $chan $nick 
    set massKicker [channel get $chan massKicker] 
    if {$nick ni $massKicker} { 
      doThis "1" $chan $nick 
    set pos [lsearch $massKicker $nick] 
    set massCount [channel get $chan massCount] 
    set count [lindex [split $massCount] $pos] 
    set info [split $mass(limit) :] 
    if {$count >= [lindex $info 0]} { 
      takeAction $chan $nick $pos 
      } else { 
      incr count 
    utimer [lindex $info 1] [list [namespace current]::doThis "2" $chan $nick $pos] 
    doThis "4" $chan $nick $pos $count 
This tcl is working fine. Its masskick pro tcl which meant to safeguard the channel for attempt of masskick. Problem here is if i uses a nick which isnt in access of the channel the tcl cant detect the access and cant del it.

below is example

nick in aop list : A
masskicker joins with nick B using A access, tcl unable to detect whose access is it using thus unable to delete the access. It still sends memo to channel but using B nick. It should del A access and send memo as A access been deleted for attempt of masskick.

So things to do will be able to distinguish access of any nick joining the channel and act accordingly should the need arise. thanks in advance :)
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Post by willyw »

What irc network?
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Post by gamble27 »

Oh pardon me. Its dalnet im talking about.
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Re: Simple editing required.

Post by willyw »

gamble27 wrote: ...
masskicker joins with nick B using A access,
I just had a look, on DALnet. It didn't do what I expected, based on your above.

I expected something like this to appear, in a line of a /whois report:
UserB is logged in as UserA
Freenode does it that way.

It didn't appear that way, on DALnet. Only appeared if the current nick was identified, as in:
UserA has identified for this nick
So ... I'm not exactly sure what you mean yet.
Please explain: "joins with nick B using A access" as it applies to DALnet.
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Post by gamble27 »

Alright, let me be clear. Above tcl is working fine. what it does is when there any aop kicks the eggdrop it will delete the access of the aop and sends channel memo. It does the same when an aop try to mass kick the channel ie: 4 kicks in 10 sec it deletes the aop, deops him and send channel memo too. Perfect. Now this are straight forward scenarios. Now problem comes when a user joins with a different nick from the access he has in the channel and kicks the eggdrop or does masskick. In this case eggdrop tries to delete the different nick in the access list (it doesnt exist) and sends a channel memo.Below is breakdown of what im saying :

My access in channel #egg : A

I joins in channel #egg using A access which is my access but using B nick.(im identified to A access but im using different nick)

now if i kick the eggdrop using B nick or does a masskick in channel using B nick eggdrop cannot stop me as tcl is trying to delete B nick in access list instead of A.

I hope it helps, thanks for your interest. ill be around in case you need more information :)
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Post by willyw »

gamble27 wrote: ...
Got all that.
I joins in channel #egg using A access which is my access but using B nick.(im identified to A access but im using different nick)
What does /whois B return?
ill be around in case you need more information :)
Are you on DALnet right now?
What channel and/or what nick?
PM it to me here, if you wish.
Posts: 71
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Post by gamble27 »

nope im not on dalnet now. /whois will change depending on user. mayb what we can do is to do a why or check access on the nick should it triggers eggdrop ie :

each time when eggdrops get triggered either by getting kicked or mass kick it checks for access level of kicker and deletes the access of results returned.. just an idea.

Thanks willyw. useful commands for you would be

/cs why #channel nick


/cs access #channel nick
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Post by willyw »

gamble27 wrote: ...
/whois will change depending on user.
Of course it will.
mayb what we can do is to do a why or check access on the nick should it triggers eggdrop ie :
Now you are catching on to the idea.
Thanks willyw. useful commands for you would be

/cs why #channel nick


/cs access #channel nick

"why" is interesting. Not something that I am super familiar with though.
Perhaps it is a DALnet thing.
And THAT is probably why you are not getting a lot of responses... I suspect that this will be a totally custom thing, that works only on DALnet.

For me to work on it, I would have to register a channel, AOP list for it, etc. Probably the best bet is for us both to be online at the same time.... meet... and work on it.
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Post by Get_A_Fix »

And THAT is probably why you are not getting a lot of responses... I suspect that this will be a totally custom thing, that works only on DALnet.
DALnet originated this command but other networks have a module of this.

On DALnet, it outputs as such. - /chanserv why #IRCSpeed istok

Code: Select all

-ChanServ- istok has FOUNDER access to #IRCSpeed.  Reason: Identification to the founder's nickname, istok. Channel Frozen: NO
On IRCSpeed, the output is similar, but more basic. - /chanserv why #IRCSpeed istok

Code: Select all

-ChanServ- istok (istok) has FOUNDER access to channel #IRCSpeed.
The second why uses a displaynick, which is the name inside the ( and ) (Main nickname for groups, on anope).

For this script to work, it would need to why again, on nickchanges, along with a why on modechg (@) or join. One of the user's here, Arfer, has a script for this. He is away from IRC and the PC at this time but hopefully will return soon.
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