I wrote a very simple script to set a mode to my channels. I have a production bot and a testbot on the same network. The testbot runs the script without any problems, but the production bot doesn't trigger it at all. I checked with .binds that the command is bound, and with .whois that I have the nescesarry flags.
this is the script:
Code: Select all
bind pub (m) !set mcm:set
proc mcm:set {nick host handle chan args} {
set script [lindex [join $args] 0]
set what [lindex [join $args] 1]
if {$what == ""} {
putserv "NOTICE $nick :Error. No settings specified. Use !set <script> <on|off>"
} elseif { $what == "on"} {
set what "+"
set notice "enabled"
} else {
set what "-"
set notice "disabled"
channel set $chan $what$script
puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan :$script $notice"
on productionbot it doesn't even trigger the command.
I'm owner of both bots, the command shows in both .binds commands but it only gets triggered on testbot.
Oh yeah, I also restarted the productionbot, didn't do the trick either.