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General support and discussion of Eggdrop bots.
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Posts: 2
Joined: Tue Feb 11, 2014 12:21 pm | .netmass .netjoin Problem

Post by Frank2k14 »

Hello Everyone i have a small botnet setup properly with
1 hub and 4 leafs which share and transfer well but the
.netinfo shows that some bots are not listed i have 2 groups
but i want to make it work as a team.
Im sure i have missed something and would be glad if you can give me a pointer on how to make it work
How do i have to setup NB_ctrl for Hub Bot and Leafs ?

Ive read through the documentation but its very confusing

HUb got botflags +hp / +flobN
Leafs got botflags +gs / +flobN
transfer and share module is on.

The bots which show up in .netinfo can be controlled with
.netjoin .netpart etc but some bots decide to make their own group

I have 1 Hub and 1 Alternate Hub rest are Leafs
Thank you for your time and help
Posts: 2
Joined: Tue Feb 11, 2014 12:21 pm

Post by Frank2k14 »

Update: I fixed the problem

Initially i had all bots in the hubs and leafs config file Like this. but somehow
that caused the bots listen to whatever bot they liked instead to a designated
Hub Bot

I changed from setting this on all bots (HUB + LEAFS)
#set nb_group(cats) "Burmese,Persian,Siamese"
set nb_ctrlbots($nb_group(cats)) "*"

to setthing the following only on the LEAFS
#set nb_group(botnet) "HubBot"
set nb_ctrlbots($nb_group(botnet)) "*"

After that i rehashed every bot and addes it leaf manually at the HubBots console
.netbots add Leaf1,Leaf2,Leaf3 etc

.netinfo displayed all added bots nicely !
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