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Join ban depending on gender

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Join ban depending on gender

Post by AlexF »


Our website has a Flash IRC client where users select either Female or Male and then connect.

Their gender is then set as their username on IRC i.e. a Female appears as nickname!Female@hostname and a Male appears as nickname!Male@hostname.

I want to have a TCL to run on our existing bots for e.g. .chanset #Females +female or .chanset #Males +male.

In a channel with +female set then anyone who enters with the Male username will be *!*@hostname banned.

Please can someone help?


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Re: Join ban depending on gender

Post by willyw »

Try this:

Code: Select all

# March 3, 2014


# Example:   .chanset #channel +female
#            will cause bot to kick and ban *!Male@* , upon joining #channel

# Example:   .chanset #channel +male
#             will cause bot to kick and ban *!Female@* , upon joining #channel

# Note:  Ban will expire after 60 minutes, and bot will remove the ban.
#        Examine the script, and feel free to change ban time to whatever you like.

# Note: You should edit the ban messages.

# Reference:
#             bind join
#             setudef
#             newchanban
# can all be found there.    :)

# More reference :

setudef flag female
setudef flag male

bind join - "* *" ban_by_gender

proc ban_by_gender {nick uhost handle chan} {
global botnick

        if {[channel get $chan female]} {

                set user [string tolower [lindex [split $uhost @] 0] ]

                if {$user == "male"} {
                        newchanban $chan [maskhost $nick!$uhost 2] $botnick "Edit this comment" 60


        if {[channel get $chan male]} {

                set user [string tolower [lindex [split $uhost @] 0] ]

                 if {$user == "female"} {
                        newchanban $chan [maskhost $nick!$uhost 2] $botnick "Edit this comment" 60


Tested only briefly.
You should test carefully.

I hope this helps.
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Post by caesar »

I've chosen a different path by having a simple gender flag cos having two channel modes (female and male) can screw things up. By default it's disabled (set to 0), so set it to 1 for Female or 2 for Male.

Code: Select all

setudef str gender

bind join * * gender:ban

proc gender:ban {nick uhost handle chan} {
	if {[isbotnick $nick]} return
	scan $uhost {%[^@]@%s} user host
	set gender [channel get $chan gender]
	switch -- $gender {
		"1" {
			if {$user ne "Female"} {
				newchanban $chan "*!*@$host" Gender "Gender mismatch!" 60
		"2" {
			if {$user ne "Male"} {
				newchanban $chan "*!*@$host" Gender "Gender mismatch!" 60
Edit: Fixed typo.
Last edited by caesar on Mon Mar 23, 2015 11:52 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by AlexF »

Thanks both.
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