All you have to edit is located here:
Code: Select all
array set allmusic {
pref {!}
binds {allmusic allm amus}
searchres 3
biolength 500
msg 1
delay 10
color1 \00314
color2 \00303
color3 \00305
version "allmusic.tcl version 1.4"
author "tvrsh"
The binds combined with the pref are the exact commands it will answer to. In this case it will reply when someone uses: !allmusic, !allm or !amus.
The searchres it's used to limit the displayed result and the biolength should be self explanatory.
The msg is used to make it work with private messages sent to the bot, not just with commands on the channel.
The delay should be used to prevent users from flooding it with requests.
The color 1, 2 and 3 should be self explanatory.
Anything else?
![Smile :)](./images/smilies/icon_smile.gif)
Warns user about the correct syntax.putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :$allmusic(color1)Èñïîëüçóéòå $allmusic(color2)$lastbind $allmusic(color3)<íàçâàíèå êîëëåêòèâà> $allmusic(color1)äëÿ ïîèñêà è ïîëó÷àåíèÿ èíôîðìàöèè î íåì.\003"
My guess is that here it warns the user that he's flooding the bot and should wait a specified amount of time.putserv "NOTICE $nick :$allmusic(color1)Çàïðîñ íå ÷àùå îäíîãî ðàçà â $allmusic(color2)$allmusic(delay) $allmusic(color1)[lindex {. ñåêóíäó ñåêóíäû ñåêóíä} [::allmusic::allmusic_numgrp $allmusic(delay)]]."
putserv "NOTICE $nick :$allmusic(color1)Ïîäîæäèòå $allmusic(color3)[expr $allmusic(delay) - [expr [clock seconds] - $allmusic(lasttime,$chan)]] $allmusic(color1)[lindex {. ñåêóíäó ñåêóíäû ñåêóíä} [::allmusic::allmusic_numgrp [expr $allmusic(delay) - [expr [clock seconds] - $allmusic(lasttime,$chan)]]]] äî ñëåäóþùåãî çàïðîñà."