regex "\x01DCC (SEND|RESUME)[ ]+\"(.+ ){20}"
and the attacker uses an exploit that tries to knock down my bot but in partyline its attack goes out for me so:
try to arm the tcl but it me does not work someone please who helps me is so that it detects the attack xploit and punishes it<(Kantuta> [06:20:00] @#Beni (+tn) : [m/9 o/4 h/0 v/0 n/5 b/0 e/- I/-]
<(Kantuta> [06:20:35] [miguelito!~miguelito@xx.xx.xx.xx] DCC SeND "+ w + w + w + w + w + w + w + w + w + w + w + w + w + w + w + w + w + w + w + w + w + w + w + w + w + w + w + w + w + w + w + w + w + w + w + w + w + w + w + w + w + w + w + w + w + w + w + w + w + w + w + w + w + w + w + w + w + w + w + w + w + w + w + w + w + w + w + w + w + w + w + w + w + w + w + w + w + w + w + w + w + w + w + w + w + w + w + w + w + w + w + w + w + w + w + w + w + w + w + w + w + w + w + w + w + w + w + w + w + w
Code: Select all
bind CTCP - DCC handle_exploit
proc handle_exploit {nick uhost hand dest key arg} {
if {[regexp {(SEND|RESUME)[ ]+\"(.+ ){20}} $arg]} {
foreach chan [channels] {
pushmode $chan +b "*!*@[lindex [split $uhost "@"] end]"
putkick $chan $nick "please stop no xploits Dcc."
////////////////// /////////////////////////
I found another tcl that should stamp on users who send exploits in texts, installed it but it does not work
Code: Select all
bind ctcp -|- "DCC" satmd_botnet_antidccbug_ctcp
proc satmd_botnet_antidccbug_ctcp { nick uhost handle dest keyword text } {
global botnick
set dcc_type [string toupper [lindex $text 0]]
if { $dcc_type == "SEND" && ( [string length $text] > 200 || [satmd_botnet_antidccbug_count $text " "] > 20) } {
putloglev "cmdw1" "*" "mIRC DCC SEND exploit detected @ $nick!$uhost/$handle:$dest"
set banmask1 "$nick!*@*"
set banmask2 "*!*@[lindex [split $uhost @] 1]"
catch { satmd_gban_add $banmask1 $botnick "EXPLOIT: mIRC DCC SEND" }
catch { satmd_gban_add $banmask2 $botnick "EXPLOIT: mIRC DCC SEND" }
satmd_botnet_gban_add "$banmask1" "90d" "antidccbug@$botnick" "$botnick" "mIRC DCC exploit detected" 1
satmd_botnet_gban_add "$banmask2" "15d" "antidccbug@$botnick" "$botnick" "mIRC DCC exploit detected" 1
return 1
return 0