For the commands to add your ops to the eggdrop internal user list, follow the links provided by willyw above.
That would make the script work as it is intended, starting/stopping for any user with an o flag in the user file.
If you would like to make the on/off commands available to only those that are currently opped (have +o) in the channel, that requires a little script editing...
1) In the t2-settings.tcl file, you would have to make the on/off commands trigger for everyone...
Code: Select all
set t2(oflag) "" ;# flags to turn the game on ("" = everyone) #
set t2(sflag) "" ;# flags to turn game off ("" = same as on flags) #
2) Then you would have to make the script check if the user triggering the on/off command is opped in the channel or not.
In the t-2.tcl file, search for this string...
On or about line 1854 you should find these 2 lines...
Code: Select all
proc TOnOff {nk uh hn ch tx {from 0} } { global t2 tclr botnick nick
if {![file exists $t2(sfpath)t2.settings]} { set temp [TSetup $nk $uh $hn 1 1]
You will need to add a line between those 2 lines that will check if the user is opped in the channel, and not reply if they aren't.
Make the script read more like this...
Code: Select all
proc TOnOff {nk uh hn ch tx {from 0} } { global t2 tclr botnick nick
if {$from=="0" && ![isop $nk $ch]} { return 0 }
if {![file exists $t2(sfpath)t2.settings]} { set temp [TSetup $nk $uh $hn 1 1]