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clearbans problem

Help for those learning Tcl or writing their own scripts.
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Posts: 317
Joined: Sun Mar 15, 2015 9:59 am

clearbans problem

Post by juanamores »

The bot does not take clearbans configuration command.
What is wrong ?

Code: Select all

set newchan "#channel"
channel add $newchan 
channel set $newchan -clearbans +nodesynch
#Dynamic Channel File for Mybot (eggdrop v1.6.21) -- written Mon Oct 5 23:13:13 2015
channel add #channel { chanmode +tn idle-kick 0 stopnethack-mode 0 revenge-mode 0 need-op {} need-invite {} need-key {} need-unban {} need-limit {} flood-chan 0:0 flood-ctcp 0:0 flood-join 0:0 flood-kick 0:0 flood-deop 0:0 flood-nick 0:0 aop-delay 0:0 ban-type 3 ban-time 0 exempt-time 60 invite-time 60 -enforcebans -dynamicbans +userbans -autoop -autohalfop -bitch -greet -protectops -protecthalfops -protectfriends -dontkickops -statuslog -revenge -revengebot -autovoice -secret -shared +cycle -seen -inactive -dynamicexempts -userexempts +dynamicinvites +userinvites +nodesynch -static }
I tried putting +clearbans and -clearbans, but those options are NOT set.
If you do not understand my ideas is because I can not think in English, I help me with Google Translate. I only speak Spanish. Bear with me. Thanks :)
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