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Game.tcl may need a quick fix

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Game.tcl may need a quick fix

Post by RoboCop »

Hello I've been trying game.tcl for search GameServer IPs but it appears to give me a error saying "Tcl error [lookup]: invalid command name "putmsg" Is this command for older Eggdrop Versions below 1.6.21? Cos it doesn't seem to work well on that. Here is the TCL code script:

Code: Select all

# Script to get some extra information about the IP-Adress of your Counter-Strike Source server
# Script made by Mookie@Efnet Contact me for more information
# Suggestions are always welcome, post them on the forum on

# Settings

# Bind key? Default: !ip
set game(trigger) "!ip"

# Get-url timeout. Recommed to keep this as default
set game(timeout) "60000"

## Don't edit below unless you know what you're doing. ##

bind pub - $::game(trigger) lookup

proc lookup {nick uhost hand chan arg} {
	global game
	# Check if $arg exists
	if {![regexp -- {^(.+?):(.+?)$} $arg]} { putmsg $chan "Right format is: $::game(trigger) IP"; return }
	# Set formdata
	set formdata [http::formatQuery search $arg type server game cstrike2]
	# Going to url
	catch {set tok [http::geturl$formdata -timeout $::game(timeout)]} error
	if {[string match -nocase "*couldn't open socket*" $error]} {
			putlog "Error trying connect to url."
	# Went to url, setting data
	set data [http::data $tok]
	# Cleaning
	http::cleanup $tok
	# Regex time
	regexp -- {<b>Total Players/Max</b>(.+?)$} $data -> players
	if {![regexp -nocase {<a href="/GameServer/(.+?)">(.+?)</a></div></td></tr>} $data -> url title]} { putmsg $chan "Did not found anything for $arg"; return }
	regsub -all {<.*?>|&nbsp} $title {} title
	regexp -- {<td><a href="/MapSearch/cstrike2/.*?/">(.*?)</a>} $data -> map
	# Shout the result
	putmsg $chan "Title: $title Map: $map Players$players"
Another thing, is not as popular as Say if I wanted to convert URL for what will the code have to be for it to work. Can you help please? I suck on TCL.
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Post by SpiKe^^ »

putmsg is included in alltools.tcl

alltools.tcl is included with all versions of Eggdrop.

Make sure this line is included near the bottom of your conf file...

Code: Select all

source scripts/alltools.tcl

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Post by RoboCop »

Alright I got alltools.tcl fixed thanks, only problem is that query not giving me any results nor the bot will relay that IP query. I want to know how to resolve it or maybe use IP Gameserver query on
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Post by pizzahut »

I came up with this, but seems it isn't working still:

[14:47:26] <pizzahut> !ip
[14:47:27] <^lycosbot^> Did not found anything for

Mind I have neither EggDrop nor TCL, so it was a shot in the dark.

I changed the form data to not only query CS:S servers, but all servers.

Code: Select all

	set formdata [http::formatQuery search $arg]
This should create an URL like this: ... .191:27015

I changed the RegEx to match the current website layout.


Code: Select all

<a href="/dmc_GameServer/"> DMC #1</a></div></td><td class="sp"><span>0 /</span><span>14</span> (4)</td><td>dmc_helix</td><td class="sip">

Code: Select all

	regexp -- {<td class="sp"><span>(.+?) /</span>} $data -> players
	if {![regexp -nocase {<a href="/.+?GameServer/.+?">(.+?)</a></div></td>} $data -> title]} { putmsg $chan "Did not found anything for $arg"; return }
	regsub -all {<.*?>|&nbsp} $title {} title
	regexp -- {<td>(.*?)</td><td class="sip">} $data -> map
Edited script:

Code: Select all

# Script to get some extra information about the IP-Adress of your Counter-Strike Source server
# Script made by Mookie@Efnet Contact me for more information
# Suggestions are always welcome, post them on the forum on

# Settings

# Bind key? Default: !ip
set game(trigger) "!ip"

# Get-url timeout. Recommed to keep this as default
set game(timeout) "60000"

## Don't edit below unless you know what you're doing. ##

bind pub - $::game(trigger) lookup

proc lookup {nick uhost hand chan arg} {
	global game
	# Check if $arg exists
	if {![regexp -- {^(.+?):(.+?)$} $arg]} { putmsg $chan "Right format is: $::game(trigger) IP"; return }
	# Set formdata
	set formdata [http::formatQuery search $arg]
	# Going to url
	catch {set tok [http::geturl$formdata -timeout $::game(timeout)]} error
	if {[string match -nocase "*couldn't open socket*" $error]} {
			putlog "Error trying connect to url."
	# Went to url, setting data
	set data [http::data $tok]
	# Cleaning
	http::cleanup $tok
	# Regex time
	regexp -- {<td class="sp"><span>(.+?) /</span>} $data -> players
	if {![regexp -nocase {<a href="/.+?GameServer/.+?">(.+?)</a></div></td>} $data -> title]} { putmsg $chan "Did not found anything for $arg"; return }
	regsub -all {<.*?>|&nbsp} $title {} title
	regexp -- {<td>(.*?)</td><td class="sip">} $data -> map
	# Shout the result
	putmsg $chan "Title: $title Map: $map Players$players"
I noticed that there should be a "www." in front of the domain, perhaps that's why it won't work. The response is a redirect if the "www." is omitted.
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