I have asked about this in many places, but so far nobody has provided an answer.
I'm running a modified version of lamer.tcl by cmouse ( http://help.quakenet.org/files/lamer.tar.gz ), and I get this error (yes, it happens in the original as well, not just my version).
Code: Select all
Tcl error [handle_lamer]: list element in quotes followed by "," instead of space
Code: Select all
Tcl error [handle_lamer]: unmatched open quote in list
The error is only shown in newer tcl versions from what I can gather, and it happens when they type a line containing a " mark.
If their line contains a quotation mark,
Code: Select all
proc handle_lamer {nick keyword text}
Code: Select all
YourNick!something something #chan this is a quote "quotes", with a comma afterwards
so do I need to replace " with \" ? If so how?
If you have any ideas, I'd appreciate them.