When I look at the access list for a channel, the bot ChanServ (Bot officer of IRCu network) displays a list with 3 items:
a) ordinal number
b) access level
c) nick
Result:/msg chan #mychannel access list
How do I retrieve only nicks (words), ignoring the numbers?Access List of #mychannel:
Num Niv Nick
1 300 Michael
2 450 The_warrior
3 100 BLueRiGhT
4 300 mia25
5 300 Anais
What I want the bot retrieve the channel access list and perform a database with nicks that are at the time of executing the command?
The list may be changing as nicks are added or removed from the channel.
For this reason, when you run the command to retrieve the bot list, you read it and only list the nicks you find in it.
REASON: Perform a tcl to invite only nicks which have ChanServ access level on a given channel at the time of executing the invite command.