Code: Select all
#### ++++ Author: MadaliN <
### ++++ Script name: Badwords
## ++++ Version: 1.0 (2/9/2013)
# Commands
# !badwords on/off
# !badwords ban-reason REASON
# !badwords ban-type 1/2/3/4 (!badwords ban-type 1)
# !badwords add WORD/PHRASE
# !badwords del WORD/PHRASE
# !badwords list
setudef flag badwords
bind PUB n !badwords badwords:pub
bind PUBM - * badwords:pubm
proc mh {nuhost type} {
set user [lindex [split $nuhost !] 0]
set host [lindex [split $nuhost !] 1]
switch $type {
1 {return $nuhost}
2 {return *!*@$host}
3 {return *!*$user@$host}
4 {return *!*$user@*}
proc badwords:pubm {nick uhost hand chan arg} {
global badwords tempbw
if {[channel get $chan badwords]} {
foreach b [array names badwords $chan,*] {
if {[string match -nocase "*[lindex [split $b ,] 1]*" $arg] && ![matchattr $hand n] && ![isop $nick $chan]} {
if {![info exists tempbw($chan,ban-type)]} { set tempbw($chan,ban-type) 2 }
if {![info exists tempbw($chan,reason)]} { set tempbw($chan,reason) "Hit the door ya ;" }
newchanban $chan [mh $nick!$uhost $tempbw($chan,ban-type)] $nick $tempbw($chan,reason) 0
putserv "KICK $chan $nick :$tempbw($chan,reason)"
proc badwords:pub {nick uhost hand chan arg} {
global badwords tempbw
set what [join [lrange [split $arg] 1 end]]
switch -exact -- [lindex [split $arg] 0] {
ban-type -
-ban-type {
if {[lindex [split $arg] 1] == ""} { putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :\002$nick\002 - You have to specify ban-type (1/2/3/4)"; return }
if {![regexp {^(1|2|3|4)$} [lindex [split $arg] 1]]} { putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :\002$nick\002 valid types are 1/2/3 or 4 (!badwords ban-type 2)"; return }
set tempbw($chan,ban-type) $what
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :\002$nick\002 - 'ban-type' has been SET"
-r -
-reason {
if {[lindex [split $arg] 1] == ""} { putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :\002$nick\002 - You have to specify ban-reason"; return }
set tempbw($chan,reason) $what
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :\002$nick\002 - 'ban-reason' has been SET"
on -
-on {
channel set $chan +badwords
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :\002$nick\002 - Succesfully activated \00303badwords\003 script on this channel"
off -
-off {
channel set $chan -badwords
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :\002$nick\002 - Succesfully deactivated \00303badwords\003 script on this channel"
add -
-add {
if {[info exists badwords($chan,$what)]} {
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :\002$nick\002 - '\00312$what\003' already exists in the database."
} else {
set badwords($chan,$what) "[unixtime]"
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :\002$nick\002 - Succesfully added '\00312$what\003' into the database."
del -
-del {
if {![info exists badwords($chan,$what)]} {
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :\002$nick\002 - '\00312$what\003' was not found in the database."
} else {
unset -nocomplain badwords($chan,$what)
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :\002$nick\002 - Succesfully removed '\00312$what\003' from the database."
list -
-list {
set temp(list) ""
foreach b [array names badwords $chan,*] { lappend temp(list) [lindex [split $b ,] 1] }
if {$temp(list) == ""} { putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :\002$nick\002 - Badwords database for \00303$chan\003 is \002empty\002"; return }
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :\002$nick\002 - Badwords: [join $temp(list) ", "]"
reset -
-reset {
foreach b [array names badwords $chan,*] {
unset -nocomplain badwords($chan,[lindex [split $b ,] 1])
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :\002$nick\002 - Succesfully RESET badwords"
proc badwords:save {} {
global badwords tempbw
set ofile [open badwords w]
puts $ofile "array set badwords [list [array get badwords]]"
puts $ofile "array set tempbw [list [array get tempbw]]"
close $ofile
catch {source badwords}
putlog "++++ Succesfully loaded: \00312Badwords TCL Script"
I have succeeded, but only partially.
Badwords == puta, sexo, porno, ....more words....
If someone writes the word "diputada", containing the pattern "puta", the bot penalizes.
Partial solution:
Why partial?proc badwords:pubm {nick uhost hand chan arg} {
global badwords tempbw
if {[channel get $chan badwords]} {
foreach b [array names badwords $chan,*] {
if {[string match -nocase "*diputada*" $arg]} { continue }
if {[string match -nocase "*[lindex [split $b ,] 1]*" $arg] && ![matchattr $hand n] && ![isop $nick $chan]} {
........................................more stuff..................................
If someone writes the phrase "la mejor diputada del mundo"
Work perfect! The boT does not penalize the user for writing "diputada".
If someone writes the phrase "a la diputada le gusta el sexo duro"
The bot does not penalize the word "sexo".
Any solution for the exception of individual words in a sentence, without the bot ceasing to control all other words?